Joseph M. Juran

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Joseph M. Juran

Joseph M. Juran was born on December 24 1904 in the village located in what is now Romania (d. 28 February 2008). In 1912 he came with his father to the United States. At 16 he enrolled in college, which continued then in university. He supported himself by doing odd jobs. After graduation, he began working in the industry, where he met for the first time with Walter A. Shewhart. He accepted the offer to participate in the work of Shewhart, which gave him the opportunity to acquire experience on issues of statistical quality control. During World War II he worked in the Lend-Lease. After the war he started working as an independent consultant and lecturer. In 1954 he was invited to deliver a series of lectures for Japanese engineers. They proved to be very successful. Juran remained in Japan, where he popularized the ideas of quality. One of his ideas was to conduct radio programs devoted to quality. Also contributed to the establishment of the Day of Quality. In 1979 he founded Juran Institute[1], which aims to popularize and develop his methods[2].


Juran wrote several books on quality. The most important are:

  • Juran's Quality Handbook, published for the first time in 1951 and then updated 5 times.
  • What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese Way published in 1954.
  • Quality Planning and Analysis, co-authored with Frank Gryna, 1970.


Joseph M. Juran was a prominent business management theorist, who is best known for his contributions to the field of Quality Management. He developed the Juran Trilogy, which consists of three processes of Quality Management - Quality Planning, Quality Control and Quality Improvement. His teachings and theories remain highly influential in the field of Quality Management today.

Examples of Joseph M. Juran's work include:

  • The Juran Trilogy, which consists of Quality Planning, Quality Control and Quality Improvement, is one of his most famous contributions to the field of Quality Management.
  • Juran's Quality Improvement Process consists of three steps - Define the problem, Analyze the system, and Implements solutions. This is still a popular methodology for improving quality today.
  • Juran also developed the Pareto Principle, which states that 80% of a given problem can be attributed to 20% of its causes. This is often referred to as the "80/20 rule" and is used in many different industries.
  • Juran also developed the concept of "Total Quality Management" (TQM). This is an organizational approach to quality that emphasizes continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and employee involvement. TQM is used by many organizations today to ensure quality in their products and services.
  • Juran also developed the "Juran Quality Breakthroughs" approach, which is an approach to problem solving that emphasizes the use of data-driven decision making and creativity. This is still a popular approach to solving problems in many different industries.

Advantages of Joseph M. Juran approach

Joseph M. Juran was an influential American management consultant and educator who was known as the "father of quality management." He developed a set of philosophies and techniques that have been widely adopted in the business world. The following are some of the advantages of Joseph M. Juran's approach to quality management.

  • Juran's philosophy of quality management focused on the importance of quality control, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction. He emphasized the need for management to take an active role in directing and overseeing quality efforts. This approach has been widely adopted by businesses, resulting in improved products and services.
  • Juran's concept of the "Juran Trilogy" outlined three essential elements for achieving quality: plan, do, and check. This model guides organizations in establishing goals and objectives, executing strategies, and assessing results. This approach helps organizations build a culture of excellence and accountability.
  • Juran's Total Quality Management (TQM) approach is a comprehensive methodology for achieving excellence in all aspects of an organization. It emphasizes customer focus, continual improvement, and team-based problem solving. TQM has been adopted by many companies, resulting in improved performance and customer satisfaction.
  • Juran's Quality Improvement Process (QIP) provides a framework for companies to systematically identify and eliminate defects. This approach helps organizations to improve their business processes and products, resulting in increased efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Juran's Pareto Principle (also known as the 80/20 Rule) states that 80% of results come from 20% of the effort. This principle helps organizations focus their efforts on the most important tasks, resulting in improved productivity.

Limitations of Joseph M. Juran approach

Joseph M. Juran was a pioneering quality management figure and a prolific author on the subject. His theories and ideas continue to be influential in the business world today. However, there are certain limitations associated with his work. These limitations include:

  • His work was highly focused on the manufacturing industry, meaning that his theories and ideas may not be applicable to all businesses.
  • His ideas also lack the depth found in other quality management systems, such as Six Sigma.
  • Juran's focus on quality improvement was limited to a few key areas, such as cost and performance, which fail to address other important aspects of quality management, such as customer satisfaction and employee engagement.
  • His work does not provide a comprehensive set of tools for the implementation of quality management systems.
  • Juran's ideas are often seen as being too theoretical, with a lack of practical applications.
  • Finally, Juran's work does not account for the changing nature of businesses, meaning that his concepts may need to be updated in order to remain effective.

Other approaches related to Joseph M. Juran

Joseph M. Juran was a quality management consultant, lecturer and author who developed the concept of total quality management (TQM). His approach was based on the principle that quality management is everyone’s job and not just the responsibility of a particular department or team. Other approaches related to Joseph M. Juran include:

  • Lean Production - Lean production is a system of production management that promotes the efficient use of resources and minimizes the waste of time, money and materials. It is based on the principles of continuous improvement, eliminating non-value-added activities and focusing on customer satisfaction.
  • Six Sigma - Six Sigma is a set of practices and methodologies that aim to reduce defects and increase process efficiency. It is based on the idea of "measuring what matters" and emphasizing the importance of data-driven decision-making.
  • Kaizen - Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "continuous improvement". It is a system of production management that promotes the continuous improvement of processes and products through small, incremental changes.

In summary, Joseph M. Juran’s approach to quality management was based on the principle that quality management is everyone’s job. Other approaches related to Joseph M. Juran include lean production, Six Sigma and Kaizen, which all emphasize continuous improvement and the efficient use of resources.

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Author: Slawomir Wawak