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=='''Communication channels in the Marketing area'''==
=='''Communication channels in the Marketing area'''==

The marketing department is one of the most important departments of one company, through this department, the company, can reach its target labor and become more and more known in the marketplace. In a marketing department, the workers are using all communication channels to make the company more and more known and to sell their products.  
  The marketing department is one of the most important departments of one company, through this department, the company, can reach its target labor and become more and more known in the marketplace. In a marketing department, the workers are using all communication channels to make the company more and more known and to sell their products.  
The most used communication channels in this department are advertisers and teleshopping.
The most used communication channels in this department are advertisers and teleshopping.
Advertisers are the most used ones and the ones where the information can be reached by the consumer easier, in this communication channel, the company is using more than one type of memory (visual, auditive, etc).
Advertisers are the most used ones and the ones where the information can be reached by the consumer easier, in this communication channel, the company is using more than one type of memory (visual, auditive, etc).
Teleshopping is a communication channel that was used during 90’, in those times was one of the most popular forms of communication with clients, in our days this channel of communication is still used but not so often because of the new channels of communication that were discovered.
Teleshopping is a communication channel that was used during 90’, in those times was one of the most popular forms of communication with clients, in our days this channel of communication is still used but not so often because of the new channels of communication that were discovered.
According to Harris and Nelson (2008), the most used channel of communication is listening, this channel is consuming more than half of our communication time, besides that most companies will not invest in this channel of communication because of the studies that demonstrated the inefficiency of this channel, the studies show the fact people are not listeners.
To be efficient, a company must have all communication channels so that information is transmitted in real-time to all departments, this type of efficiency requires time and money. Things that most companies are prepared to offer, offering these two components will bring benefits in the short and long term.
In the 21st century, the most used methods of communication are online, the Internet facilitates this. With the help of the Internet and social networks, the costs are minimal and the benefits are maximal
The most negative aspect of communication channels is misinformation and fake news. Misinformation is a type of message with errors sent unintentionally, through these messages the proper functioning of the company can be affected.
Fake news is messages whose content is false, this type of communication channel is often used for negative purposes, often this news is used to create panic among people.

Revision as of 12:48, 30 October 2022

What is a channel of communication

Communication is essential for collaboration between humans and good teamwork. Without communication, an organization can’t optimally work. Throughout history the methods of communication were changed very fast, from physical letters that were sent and received over a long period to a virtual letters that can be sent in a few seconds, saving time and money.

Types of communication channels

Communication is essential for collaboration between humans and good teamwork. Without communication, an organization can’t optimally work. Throughout history the methods of communication were changed very fast, from physical letters that were sent and received over a long period to a virtual letters that can be sent in a few seconds, saving time and money.

There are a lot of communication channels, and the most important ones are:

  • -Face-to-face
  • -Video calling
  • -Audio calling
  • -Emails

Face-to-face conversation refers to communication between two or more persons who are in the same place. Is the easiest channel of communication because the person can understand each other very easily and see the facial expressions, through facial expressions people can understand what others are thinking and what they want to say.

Video calling is one of the most used during the COVID-19 pandemic times because it allows users to see each other and hear without being in the same place, they can be miles away, and the information is transmitted in live, like face-to-face communication.

Audio calling is one of the oldest channels of communication made, allowing users to hear each other through the phones. This channel of communication stays at the base of the modern channel of communication because was the first one and the one that help the world to develop into modern society. Before audio calling was invented, communication was inefficient because people who were sending letters were obligated to wait weeks for a response, after audio calling was invented, they need to wait a few seconds for a response.

The communication channels are divided into 3 types: formal, informal, and unofficial. Formal communication channels are the most used in companies, with those channels the companies can properly work. This type of communication includes the exchange of information such as the goals, policies, and procedures of the organization.

Informal communication channels are used to deliver business information but in a more relaxed way, between teammates. Most of the information is delivered through communication face-to-face or email. The unofficial communication channel is the most used in a company. This channel is the friendliest way of communication and is used by the employee. They can discuss information about their work or personal life, this type of communication is used during the teambuilding.

Communication channels in the Marketing area

 The marketing department is one of the most important departments of one company, through this department, the company, can reach its target labor and become more and more known in the marketplace. In a marketing department, the workers are using all communication channels to make the company more and more known and to sell their products. 

The most used communication channels in this department are advertisers and teleshopping. Advertisers are the most used ones and the ones where the information can be reached by the consumer easier, in this communication channel, the company is using more than one type of memory (visual, auditive, etc). Teleshopping is a communication channel that was used during 90’, in those times was one of the most popular forms of communication with clients, in our days this channel of communication is still used but not so often because of the new channels of communication that were discovered. According to Harris and Nelson (2008), the most used channel of communication is listening, this channel is consuming more than half of our communication time, besides that most companies will not invest in this channel of communication because of the studies that demonstrated the inefficiency of this channel, the studies show the fact people are not listeners. To be efficient, a company must have all communication channels so that information is transmitted in real-time to all departments, this type of efficiency requires time and money. Things that most companies are prepared to offer, offering these two components will bring benefits in the short and long term. In the 21st century, the most used methods of communication are online, the Internet facilitates this. With the help of the Internet and social networks, the costs are minimal and the benefits are maximal The most negative aspect of communication channels is misinformation and fake news. Misinformation is a type of message with errors sent unintentionally, through these messages the proper functioning of the company can be affected. Fake news is messages whose content is false, this type of communication channel is often used for negative purposes, often this news is used to create panic among people.