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Organizational commitment
See also

Organizational commitment - this is a bond built between employees and their organisation. This means that on the basis of specially prepared implementation procedures and creating a friendly environment. In these conditions, a sense of community makes the organization and its performance higher overall. In addition, their determination and pro-activeness to support weaker workers is also increasing. However, in order for the organisational commitment to have a measurable effect. An indirect action of organisational commitment is shaping positive employer branding, which makes more and more people want to be employed in a given organisation. Thanks to this, the employer gains not only a positive image among potential employees, but also gives a signal to the market that thanks to the management methods adopted by him is able to compete, but also to integrate people responsible for his success.

Types of organisational commitment

There are three different approaches to building employee engagement. They are as follows:

  • Affective commitment,
  • Continuance commitment,
  • Normative commitment.

Affective engagement refers to a situation in which an employee wants to stay longer in his or her organisation. If he is emotionally involved in his organization, it means that he really wants to stay in it. This type of employee feels valued, acts as an ambassador for the organisation and is a positive resource for the company [1].

Another type of organisational involvement boils down to a situation where employees determine how long they want to stay in it. Creating such an internal sense will allow the organization to build long-term employee relations and reduce the employee turnover rate. There are many factors influencing this phenomenon. These may include, for example, salary levels or the lack of alternative career paths. However, the most common reason for staying in a given organization is to receive such a level of remuneration and benefits that it is not profitable for the employee to move to another company [2].

The last type of organisational involvement is a normative approach. It is expressed in terms of the number of employees who believe that they should remain in the organisation. Such employees generally feel that they should stay in the organisation because leaving the organisation will make them feel guilty or cause terrible consequences. The reasons for this guilt are different. They are usually due to the possibility of losing some kind of knowledge or skills that an employee has acquired while working in a previous environment. However, such feelings can negatively affect employees working in the midst of an organisation because of their stress and hopelessness, assimilated with it [3].

Achieving commitment within organisation

There are three factors that make it possible to obtain organisational commitment. The first one is the empowerment of employees. It consists in the fact that the employer, through the organization of active activities, enhances creativity and commitment to the organization.

Another factor is building the conviction that employment stability is not as high as the employee might think. It will only be possible to retain him within the organisation if he makes every effort to develop the company.

The last one is redirecting leadership skills to smaller teams, so that no employee feels excluded or unattended.


  1. Brunetto, Y., Farr-Wharton R., Shacklock K., Teo S. T. T., (2012) p. 428–441
  2. Maha, A. Z. D., (2015) p. 138–147
  3. Dibb, S., Pinho, J., Rodrigues, A. P., (2014) p. 374–398


Author: Weronika Czarna