Organic organization

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The organisational structure refers to the management system of the organisation, which allows defining the functions of each management area of the company, as well as their hierarchy. An Organic Organisation is defined as an organisational structure in which all employees are on the same level. In this flat structure, interaction and communication are horizontal. Organic tissues are considered complex because they are difficult to form. According to Euroinnova, International Online Education.


Organic structures were proposed by Burns and Stalker in 1961 to explain the success of British electronics companies. Since then, Organic Organisation has become an integral part of non-bureaucratic organisation theory.The main pillars on which the authors based themselves to develop this new organisational concept were the following [1]:

  • Constantly adapt and redefine personal tasks through interactions with others.
  • Encourages taking responsibility for solving problems, not being moved up or down the ladder.
  • Control, authority and communication have a network structure.
  • Differences in knowledge needed to assign tasks in the network and move control, authority and communication to new locations.
  • Giving information and advice, not instructions and decisions.
  • A reputation for commitment to the "spirit of technology" rather than loyalty and obedience.
  • Prestige of affiliations and experience outside the company.


The main characteristics of this organisational model are as follows [2]:

Organic organisations emerge in dynamic or changing environments, it is therefore considered a flexible and adaptable model.

In terms of employee management, it is an organisation that bases its principles on teamwork and fostering group leadership. This means that different people are now empowered with leadership skills. It is a shared authority and not an individual one. Workers often have extensive training and multiple talents, so they can efficiently multi-task when needed. It considers what employees think and makes them feel part of the system. This serves as an incentive to improve efficiency, productivity and collaboration.

Power in an organic organisation is decentralised, and which are characterised by fluid lines of communication, unclear process descriptions and control based on staff expertise.

Types of Organic Organizational Structure?




  1. Travica, B. (1999) p. 4.
  2. Bhasin, H. (2020)


Author: Mónica Guijarro,Gabriela Valera,Zaira Bancells