Job performance

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Job performance relates to how an individual performs when carrying out the activities assigned to him. In this way, it is considered whether or not the person is suitable for the assigned position. It is about the effectiveness, quality and efficiency of the individual work.

Job performance, which is influenced by numerous factors, is realized when an individual is able to successfully achieve the task appointed to him/her under subject to less constraints at the work place[1].

Which factors influence job performance?

Some factors that affect job performance are[2]:

  • Work conditions: If an employee is in an environment of constant harassment, stress, lack of motivation, long working hours, poor hygiene, etc. it can unleash a lack of commitment to do quality work. Better working environment would cause a positive effect toward the satisfaction level of the individual and hence further influencing the job performance of the worker. There is a strong interrelation between work conditions, job satisfaction and job performance so, good work conditions, lead to a positive influence on the worker's behaviours, inspiring qualities (motivation, satisfaction, ...) on them that improve their performance levels.
  • Training: Some jobs require specialized knowledge and require a minimum educational level. The absence of employee training would cause poor performance and not reaching the established goals.
  • Motivation: If the employees do not like the position or are not passionate about what they do, they will not perform adequately at work. Motivated individuals obtain satisfaction from work achievement and doing so, perform much better on the job and work harder.
  • Organizational justice: It is the perception of fairness within an organizational. Individuals decrease their performance and work less when they are underpaid, and increase their performance and work more when they are overpaid. It also reflects the degree to which people feel that they are treated within the organization: respect, equality, consideration,...
  • leadership: Transformational leaders inspire, motivate and challenge employees to perform beyond expectations by influencing and convincing them to substitute their self-interests with organizational interests.

Tips to improve job performance

  • Investigate why the underperformance is occurring. It is important to understand why an employee may be performing less than expected. Avoid making assumptions by gathering data and information and speaking directly with the employee. The employee may not have adequate resources or may not have received training from the start. It is also possible that the employee is not clear about the objectives of the company or that he does not feel valued or well-supported in his role.
  • Encourage regular communication. Clear and effective communication is essential to improve employee performance. Negative feedback can be distressing and unpleasant for both management and the employee, but it is important to foster an environment of open communication and transparency.

3. Foster a positive work environment Experts say that employees who are satisfied with their work environment also perform better. Think about what it feels like to be in a clean and orderly environment and to be surrounded by encouraging and positive people.

It also means boosting employee morale and motivating them to participate in planned activities and events outside of work and making everyone feel valued within their team.

4. Practice continuous training New employees receive a lot of attention and instruction during their induction process. But employee training shouldn't stop there. Ongoing training is an essential element in keeping employees engaged and motivated to think and work in new ways.

Continuous training allows employees to continue developing their skills and improving their performance.

5. Use data and analytical tools In the digital age, measuring employee performance can be done through data. Evaluating time management, the quality of the tasks performed and even the impact of the work does not have to be subjective. In fact, by using Human Resources analytics, employees can see the analysis of their job performance and managers can identify areas for improvement. Data takes the guesswork out of measurement.

If employees know the specific indicators that will be measured and analyzed, they will be more empowered and able to monitor their performance. This makes employees feel more empowered, which promotes higher levels of motivation and also gives them very practical tools to improve their performance with confidence.


  1. Matsuo, M. (2019)
  2. Jankingthong, K. and Rurkkhum, S. (2012)


Author: Zaira Bancells Guerrero, Mónica Guijarro Bernabeu, Gabriela Varela Barker