Corporate branding

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Corporate branding is how a brand differentiates itself from its competitors. It is not difficult to find organizations that have mastered this technique.

Corporate branding, what is it?

“A corporate brand is the visual, verbal and behavioural expression of an organisation's unique business model” that is the definition of corporate branding according to [1]. In other words, corporate branding is a clear promise between an organization and its key stakeholders. It is important that a company always keep her promise in all areas of the company. All attributes of an organization's identity must be communicated in the form of a well-defined branding proposition that verba the organization's efforts to communicate, differentiate and enhance its brand to key stakeholders. [2]. Corporate branding is the systematic and conscious management of attitudes, communication and symbolism in order to achieve a good and positive reputation among an organization's target group [3].

Corporate storytelling





  1. Knox and Bickerton (2003), p. 1,013
  2. Foster, C., Punjaisri, K. and Cheng, R. (2010), p.401
  3. Foster, C., Punjaisri, K. and Cheng, R. (2010), p.405


Author: MATHIEU Amaury