Economic sustainability

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Economic sustainability
See also

Economic sustainability - is the doctrine of economics, which assumes that the Earth's natural resources are not exploited faster than nature can renew them. Its idea is summarized at the beginning of the WCED (he World Commission on Environment and Development) report from 1987 - Our Common Future [1].

Sustainable economic development can also be defined as management in such a way that satisfying the needs of the present generation does not reduce the chance of satisfying the needs of subsequent generations. In this concept, the natural environment is the basis, the management of the tool and the well-being of society is the goal.

Introduction of sustainable economic

Sustainable economic development is implemented through the following activities:

  • Limitation of the use of renewable natural resources and their rational extraction so that nature would be able to reconstruct them.
  • Reduce the use of non-renewable natural resources and look for their counterparts.
  • Taking care of maintaining sufficiently low emissions and pollution and striving to eliminate harmful substances.
  • Caring for the ecosystem in the regional and global concepts, by creating national parks and protecting species threatened with extinction.
  • Creating a sense of security for citizens by removing threats.
  • Educating the public about ecology.

Goals of sustainable economic

The objectives of sustainable economic development include[2]:

  • Increase in social and individual well-being.
  • Ensuring harmony between nature and man.
  • Achieving justice (within and between generations) and security.
  • Satisfying the physical and psychological needs of man towards the natural environment.

Sustainable development indicators by order

To determine what level of sustainable economic development a country or region is in, it is necessary to carry out a survey using a statistical method. The factors listed above are used for it.

Social order[3]:

Economic order[4]:

Environmental order[5]:

  • Climate change
  • Energy
  • Air protection
  • Marine ecosystems
  • Fresh water resources
  • Land use
  • biodiversity
  • Waste management

Institutional and political order[6]:

  • Global partnership
  • Cohesion and efficiency policy
  • Openness and participation
  • Civic activity

Climate change and sustainable development

Climate change has a huge impact on public health, food production, access to water, and global security. By investing in sustainable development, climate change can be tackled through the above-mentioned measures. Actions taken in this matter will drive sustainable development and vice versa[7].

Disregarding climate change will lead to the forfeiture of existing development and prevent future benefits.

In summary, sustainable development cannot be achieved without climate action, which is why so many Sustainable Development Goals relate to factors that affect climate change.



  1. Brundtland G.H., Our Common Future, 1987
  2. Allaby M., Dictionary of ecology, Oxford University Press, 2008
  3. Allaby M., Dictionary of ecology, Oxford University Press, 2008
  4. Allaby M., Dictionary of ecology, Oxford University Press, 2008
  5. Allaby M., Dictionary of ecology, Oxford University Press, 2008
  6. Allaby M., Dictionary of ecology, Oxford University Press, 2008
  7. Klein N., This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate, Simon & Schuster, 2014

Author: Julianna Lekarczyk