Methodology for strategy definition

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Methodology for strategy definition
See also

Defining management strategies should be accomplished by the application of the proven practices and methodology. An example of one of the many methodologies for defining and implementing management strategies is a program of global activity (PGA), whose most important elements will be discussed below.

Development of Program of global activity

The initial task in PGA program development is the formulation of the company's goals.

We can distinguish between economic goals, which relate to the performance and other goals (organizational, intellectual, research, ecological, political, etc.). They should be aimed at meeting the needs and expectations of customers.

Goals can be formulated in material terms (e.g. achieving desired state or object) or in action terms (e.g. manufacture of products). They can be ranked in terms of the validity by individual manager or by group of managers. After ranking managers can create a goal tree, in which they divide main goal on several specific purposes and objectives.

Objectives should be quantified, appropriate, acceptable, reasonable and time-bound.

Objectives for the implementation of PGA program

Objectives of PGA:

  • determinants defining area of stability (they have primary influence on the activity of the company, managers cannot change them in a short time),
  • situational requirements of company's activity (relatively independent)
  • factors dependent on the company's activities.

Preparing stages of PGA implementation

Stages of implementation shall be constructed for middle time horizon (from 0 to 2 years), or for the long time horizon perspective (up to 25 years). In practice, the time frames are relative, they depend on the situation of the individual company.

Creating procedures for coordinating programs and plans

PGA program is the frame for all other strategic and operational plans (projects) in the company. The coordination procedure contains indications for adjusting other programs to the objective of the PGA program.

Examples of Methodology for strategy definition

  • Developing an organizational mission and vision statement: An organization's mission and vision statement serves as a guiding light in creating a specific set of goals and objectives. It should be written in a way that is clear, concise, and inspiring. The statement should also be based on the organization's core values, purpose, and resources.
  • Setting strategic objectives: Strategic objectives are measurable long-term objectives that guide the organization's activities. They should be based on the desired future state of the organization and the resources available to achieve it.
  • Developing performance measures: Performance measures are metrics used to assess how well the organization is meeting its goals. These can include both quantitative and qualitative measures, such as customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and cost reduction.
  • Establishing a strategy implementation plan: A strategy implementation plan outlines the steps required to turn the strategy into reality. It should include a timeline, budget, and milestones along the way.
  • Evaluating progress and making adjustments: As the strategy is implemented, progress should be monitored and evaluated. If the strategy is not achieving its desired results, adjustments should be made to ensure the desired outcomes are achieved.

Advantages of Methodology for strategy definition

The PGA methodology for strategy definition has many advantages, including:

  • A structured approach to defining management strategies. The PGA methodology provides a framework for decision-making and goal setting, helping to ensure that strategies are aligned with organizational objectives.
  • A focus on outcomes. The PGA methodology emphasizes the importance of understanding the expected outcomes of strategies, helping to ensure that strategies are effective and efficient.
  • An emphasis on collaboration. The PGA methodology encourages collaboration among stakeholders, ensuring that strategies are developed to meet the needs of all stakeholders.
  • Improved transparency. The PGA methodology promotes transparency by providing stakeholders with clear information about strategies and their expected outcomes.
  • Improved communication. The PGA methodology encourages communication between stakeholders, helping to ensure that strategies are properly discussed and understood.

Limitations of Methodology for strategy definition

The limitations of methodology for strategy definition through a program of global activity (PGA) include:

  • The PGA methodology is suitable only for large-scale projects that involve multiple stakeholders, as it requires the coordination of resources and activities across different areas.
  • The PGA methodology is resource-intensive, as it requires a team of experts to develop the strategy and manage the implementation.
  • The PGA methodology is complex and requires a great deal of time to develop, which may make it difficult to keep up with the pace of change in the business environment.
  • The PGA methodology requires a high degree of investment in order to ensure that the strategy is successfully implemented.
  • The PGA methodology does not always guarantee success, as the strategy must be constantly monitored and adapted in order to remain effective.
  • The PGA methodology can be difficult to implement in an organization with a complex organizational structure, as it requires all stakeholders to be in agreement.

Other approaches related to Methodology for strategy definition

To supplement the discussion of the Program of Global Activity, the following list of other methods for defining and implementing management strategies should be considered:

  • Strategic Planning: This involves defining organizational objectives and establishing a plan to achieve them. It entails creating an actionable timeline, with milestone goals and clear strategies.
  • Scenario Planning: This method is focused on creating plans for various possible futures, and then analyzing the best strategies for dealing with each scenario.
  • Market Research: This involves gathering data from a variety of sources to better understand customer needs and preferences, as well as the competitive landscape.
  • SWOT Analysis: This involves assessing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats within a business context.
  • Benchmarking: This involves comparing the performance of an organization to its competitors, in order to identify areas for improvement and develop best practices.

In summary, there are a variety of methods for defining and implementing management strategies, such as strategic planning, scenario planning, market research, SWOT analysis, and benchmarking. By utilizing a combination of these approaches, organizations can create effective plans to achieve their goals.
