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Need is defined as the state of absence of something (things, phenomena, processes) and at the same time as the factor which initiates a motivation to change this state. A person can be aware of your needs or not, because some needs are hidden. needs may be possible to achieve. Sometimes, in the event that the funds are not enough, the needs might be postponed. Satisfaction of needs bring happiness and is a source of the individual development[1][2]


Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Abraham Maslow, known psychologist, created a model (pyramid) of human motivation called also hierarchy of needs. needs are arranged hierarchically from the basic to the more advanced. Firstly, basic needs must be met before the needs from higher order.[3][4]

Maslow hierarchy of needs.jpg

Fig.1. Maslow's hierarchy of needs

  • physiological / biological needs – generally all basic life needs without human cannot function like: air, food, sleep, water, homeostasis

To start thinking about the needs from 2nd level we cannot worried about basic needs.

  • safety needs - security, protection, family, health, comfort, peace

People need have things under control and they need to know that everything is fine – it is natural desire.

  • social needs – family, friendship, love, belonging,

Without love or being loved, people can be depressed and different anxieties can arise. It is important to not miss any elements.

  • esteem needs – confidence, achievement, respect of others and by others, status, reputation, prestige

People want to be good at something to be admired by others. Glory brings happiness and satisfaction.

  • self-actualization - personal growth, creativity, morality

Realization of the individual potential. Focus in something which is important for someone.

Economic growth, education and higher revenues cause that attention is paid to the needs of higher-level such as: success at work, school, appreciation and understanding by others, etc.

Other needs

In Dictionary of Psychology written by A. Rober [5] there are listed some other needs like:

  • affiliation – spending time with people
  • emotional closeness – intimate relations
  • exhibitionism – providing others with entertainment
  • creating – construction the systems
  • submissiveness - admiring leaders


  1. W. Šmid, Marketing pod presją globalizacji: nowe wartości, hierarchia potrzeb, zarządzanie, metamarketing, Agencja Wydawnicza Placet, 2002.
  2. Philip G. Zimbardzo, Psychologia i życie, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1994
  3. W. Šmid, Marketing pod presją globalizacji: nowe wartości, hierarchia potrzeb, zarządzanie, metamarketing, Agencja Wydawnicza Placet, 2002.
  4. K. Obuchowski, Przez galaktykę potrzeb: psychologia dążeń ludzkich, Zysk i S-ka Wydawnictwo, cop. 1995.
  5. W. Šmid, Marketing pod presją globalizacji: nowe wartości, hierarchia potrzeb, zarządzanie, metamarketing, Agencja Wydawnicza Placet, 2002.


Author: Gabriela Brzęk