Precision targeter

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Precision targeter - wanting to be a leader on the market, which constantly comes up against the expectations of its customers, you must constantly take care of the development and expansion of the company's offer. The correct, efficient introduction of the new product to the market, however, is not a simple matter. Every move should be carefully planned and conscious. For that to happen, we must take some actions that will allow us to get to know the market - including the expectations of our potential customers. This is precisely what precision target deals with - it is a person or company whose role and task is to prepare and deliver a marketing message to a specific group of people. Precise targeting is needed to optimize financial resources (marketing budget) and save money by addressing a marketing message to the customer with a high probability of future purchase. A precise targeter must obtain a comprehensive database of demographic profile of clients, needs, behaviors, habits and activities. Currently, this data is collected through the analysis of online activity in social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, search engines, for example Google and information services[1].

A very important element is to know the needs of consumers and this is one of the key factors that will allow our company to succeed. After making such an analysis, we will better know the expectations of our potential customers, which will allow us to achieve the intended goal. Considering the fact that there is a lot of competition on the market, such research is necessary and an indispensable element of success. To minimize the risk of failure, however, it is necessary to periodically analyze the changing market situation due to the changing preferences of recipients Such research is important if we decide to enter our company into new markets. Such research can be carried out through environmental interviews, surveys, observations, and in-depth interviews[2].

Why is it worth using social media to distribute a new product?

1. Social media have a wide range because of their popularity, we can reach people from different social groups, different countries.

2. Thanks to social media, we are able to establish relationships with various people who can become our regular clients, through which we will have a stable income and stable market situation.

3. By advertising a new product on social media, we increase our chances not only to promote this product but also our brand. With the help of even one social networking site, our offer will go to a large group of people with just one click.

How to use social media to popularize the product?

It is important for the potential customer to be interested in his offer, encourage him to take advantage of our offer - a good step is to show enough that the customer felt that he will benefit from having this product and at the same time not show everything to get our product out of curiosity.

Who are the potential customers?

To get people interested in your offer, you have to find out who they are, how old they are, what kind of hobbies they have and what they prefer, what are their sexes, where they live, etc. This knowledge will allow to create a separate, individual marketing tactic for each group. This will allow specific and targeted stimulation of customers to take action.

Ways for customer interest

1. You can create a music video advertising the product.

2. Preparation of a counter which will measure time until the launch of a new product.

3. Organize a competition in which a new product will be won.

4. Promote your product thanks to the action in which each of the customers will have an impact on, for example, the appearance of this product.

Examples of Precision targeter

  • Google Adwords - Google Adwords is a powerful tool for precision targeting, allowing marketers to target potential customers based on their search queries and interests. Google Adwords enables marketers to reach customers with relevant and personalized messages, as well as to track the success of their campaigns.
  • Facebook Ads - Facebook Ads is an effective tool for precision targeting, as it allows marketers to target potential customers based on their interests, demographics, and behaviors. Facebook Ads also offers an array of targeting options, including location-based targeting, age-based targeting, and more.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - CRM is a system used to manage customer relationships and is an effective tool for precision targeting. With CRM, marketers can capture information about customer demographics, preferences, and behaviors, and then use this data to create targeted campaigns.
  • Email marketing - Email marketing is an effective tool for precision targeting, as marketers can segment their list of contacts based on customer demographics, preferences, and behaviors. This allows marketers to send personalized messages to their customers and increase the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Advantages of Precision targeter

Precision targeter is a very beneficial tool for marketing campaigns. It allows companies to target the right audience with their messaging, increasing the chance of successful sales. Here are some of the advantages of precision targeting:

  • It helps to narrow down the target audience for campaigns, providing more tailored messaging. This helps to increase the chances of success, as the message is more likely to resonate with the target audience.
  • It also helps to save money and time, as campaigns can be set up quickly and efficiently with the right audience in mind.
  • It can also help to identify potential new customers, as the data collected from precision targeting can be used to track and monitor customer behaviour. This allows companies to adjust their campaigns to attract new customers.
  • Finally, precision targeting allows companies to measure the success of their campaigns, as they can track the response and engagement of their target audience. This can help to inform future campaigns and ensure long-term success.

Limitations of Precision targeter

One of the limitations of precision targeters is that they are limited in their ability to accurately identify potential customers. Additionally, precision targeters must have access to a comprehensive database of customer demographics, needs, behaviors, habits, and activities in order to make accurate predictions. Furthermore, customer data is constantly changing, so precision targeters must continually update their databases to keep their predictions accurate. Additionally, precision targeters must take into consideration customer emotions, which can be difficult to predict. Moreover, the effectiveness of precision targeting is limited by the availability of reliable data and customer responses to targeted marketing. Finally, precision targeters must be aware that their targeted campaigns could be perceived as invasive and as an invasion of privacy. *

Other approaches related to Precision targeter

  • Collecting and analyzing customer feedback: Gathering customer feedback, such as surveys or interviews, can be a great way to gain insight into customer expectations and preferences. Analyzing the feedback can help you better understand the needs and wants of your customer base and formulate a tailored marketing message.
  • Organizing focus groups: Focus groups are a great way to get a more in-depth look into customer preferences and expectations. By bringing together a group of people and asking them questions, you can gain information that is more comprehensive and comprehensive than what you would get from surveys or interviews.
  • Data mining techniques: Data mining techniques such as predictive analytics and machine learning can be used to analyze customer behavior and develop tailored marketing messages. By analyzing customer data, you can gain valuable insights into customer needs and preferences.
  • Analyzing competitors: Analyzing the success and failure of your competitors can help you understand the needs of the market and the strategies that are being used to meet those needs. By understanding how your competition is approaching the market, you can develop a more effective marketing message.

In conclusion, precision targeting requires a comprehensive understanding of customer needs and preferences. To achieve this, companies must use a variety of methods such as collecting customer feedback, organizing focus groups, using data mining techniques, and analyzing competitors. By using these methods, companies can tailor their marketing messages to the needs of their customers and maximize the success of their campaigns.

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  1. Narayanan, S., & Manchanda, P. (2009)
  2. Kahn, Kenneth B. (2006)

Author: Izabela Palonek