Convenience product

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Convenience product
See also

Convenience product is a type of product which consumer buy frequently, and instantly. Usually, without any buying effort, and a minimum of comparison. Convenience products are often very cheap. In shops, they are easily to located, because marketers place them in populars locations[1]. Examples of convenience products are milk, chocolate, coffee, butter, dish soap.

The brand of product is not the most important for buyers, even if some of brand is no available in shop, they are able to choose different substitute. Most of consumers doesn't need a lot of time, to planning the purchase, because of low purchase risk[2].Convenience products in general, are selling in special self-services convenience stores, called “discount shops”. Convenience products in this kind of shops, are highly available and offered in low prices. This is a reason, why discounts shops getting popular worldwide[3].


Convenience product, is a part of products and services classification containing[4]:

  • Convenience products
  • Shopping products
  • Specially products
  • Unsought products

Categories of convenience products

Convenience products, are divided for[5]:

  • Staple
  • Impulse
  • Emergency

Staple products, are purchase regularly, and include everyday basis products, for example milk, bread, butter, sugar. Brand of this products is usually less important, because differences between staple products are very small. Often some of this products like bread don't have any brand. Advertising in this category is not profitable. Impulse products, are bought without any effort and planning. Consumer, frequently uncontrolled this behavior. Therefore, in shops, some of products must grabs consumer attention, in order to buy this product. In general, products like sweets or chewing gum are located in shop at the checkout aisle. Buying intention, is the most important difference between staple products, and impulse products. Staple products, are buying almost everyday and consumers know exactly what they want, or what they usually buying, but before buy “on impulse” consumer don't expect this purchase, because it is spur of the moment. Last category, are emergency products in which price is irrelevant. Purchase results from immediate needs. Consumers buy this products, in the moment when they need them. For example, bandages and umbrella, are emergency products. Consumer need them quickly, therefore purchase is unplanned and unexpected. The most important thing, is highly available, advertising is less important[6].

Promotion of convenience products

Every type of product, have own promotion mix structure. Marketers usually, use advertising for convenience products, departs from personal selling. Convenience products are low-priced, therefore simple ad for example in newspaper, or TV, give a chance to buy a product. Buying this kind of product is connected with low risk, because client use convenience product frequently. Salesman advice is in this case redundant. The most popular way to promote convenience goods, are "samples, coupons and refunds". It gives consumers a chance to try on they own products like, food or cosmetics. A buyer who try some products, is more willing to buy them. Research suggests that client who visiting a shop specially for buying sale-priced products are more likely than others buyers to purchase another product on sale[7].


  1. Kotler P., Armstrong G., 2010, p. 250
  2. Pride W.M., Ferrell O.C, 2014, p. 261
  3. Baack D.W, Czarnecka B., Baack D., 2018, p. 282
  4. Kotler P., Armstrong G., 2010, p. 250
  5. Cant M.C., Strydom J.W, Jooste C.J., du Plessis P,J, 2019, p.202-203
  6. Cant M.C., Strydom J.W, Jooste C.J., du Plessis P,J, 2019, p.202-203
  7. Pride W.M., Ferrell O.C, 2014, p.442


Author: Kinga Dudek