Check-list in project management

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Control list, or check-list is a simple tool to control the correctness and/or evaluation of the degree of completion of the project. It contains a series of questions or issues related to the project or its environment.

The biggest advantage of the check-list is its simplicity and speed of obtaining the necessary information. Its disadvantage is the limited accuracy, and the subjectivity of the evaluation, it is based mostly on the results of observation of the person drawing the check-list.

The effectiveness check-list depends on its complexity. The more accurate and more detailed questions it contains, the greater is its effectiveness, however, it takes much longer time to complete. In project management, the use of check-lists in the implementation phase of the project allows to quickly assess the status of the project and potential delays or problems.

Check-list in project management should be established in the planning phase of the project, it constitutes a valuable tool for monitoring the implementation and final inspection of each complex project.

During project implementation, managers draw up also auxiliary check-lists, containing only certain issues, important in particular project phase or task. Such lists can be used to enhance the efficiency of operations management and ongoing monitoring of the project.

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Author: Krzysztof Wozniak