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Quality in projects
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Quality is a measure of how well the project meets its goals and objectives, and it is essential for ensuring that projects are completed on time, within budget, and with the desired results. Quality is especially important in agile projects, where teams must quickly adjust to changing customer requirements and market conditions.

However, achieving quality in projects can be difficult. Budget constraints, time constraints, inadequate resources, lack of communication, and lack of knowledge and expertise can all threaten project quality. Unfortunately, the effects of these issues can be seen in projects that go over budget, fail to meet customer expectations, and have to be reworked due to quality issues.

Fortunately, there are processes and strategies that project managers can use to ensure quality in their projects. Risk management, requirements gathering, design and implementation, testing, and maintenance are all important aspects of quality assurance. By understanding and utilizing these processes, project managers can ensure that their projects are as successful and efficient as possible.

Processes Related to Quality in Projects

Quality planning, assurance, and control are three important processes that you can use to ensure that your projects are successful and meet all quality standards.

Quality planning involves creating a plan that outlines how quality will be maintained throughout the project. This includes identifying quality standards that should be met, setting objectives for quality, and establishing procedures for ensuring that quality is maintained.

Quality assurance is the process of ensuring that all quality requirements are met. This includes regularly monitoring the project and its outputs to ensure that quality is maintained and any issues are promptly addressed.

Quality control involves detecting and correcting errors or defects in the project's outputs. This includes testing the project's outputs, establishing quality checklists and processes, and implementing corrective actions when errors or defects are detected.

To illustrate these processes in action, here are some real-life examples: a software development project that uses automated testing to ensure quality, a construction project that uses a quality control checklist to inspect materials and ensure they meet standards, and a manufacturing project that implements a quality assurance system to regularly monitor production output and ensure it meets customer requirements.

By understanding and implementing these processes, you can be sure that your projects are successful and of high quality. Quality planning, assurance, and control are essential steps that managers should take to ensure their projects are successful and meet all quality standards.

Quality in Agile Projects

The Agile Manifesto outlines the importance of quality in the development process and emphasizes the need to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. To meet this objective, organizations should focus on customer satisfaction and deliver value, continuously improve and adapt to change, embrace change and challenge assumptions, build quality into the product, focus on collaboration, and leverage automation to ensure quality.

In addition to the Agile Quality Principles, there are a number of Agile Quality Practices that organizations can adopt to ensure that their product meets the customer's expectations. Automated testing, continuous integration, test-driven development, performance testing, acceptance testing, pair programming, code reviews, and refactoring are all essential practices that should be incorporated into an agile project to ensure quality.

By adhering to Agile Quality Principles and Practices, organizations can ensure that their agile projects are of the highest quality and meet customer expectations. This will help to ensure that the project is successful and that the customer is satisfied.

Threats Related to Low Quality in Projects

Let’s take a look at each of these threats and how to address them.

  • Increased Costs: Low quality in projects can lead to increased costs due to the need for rework, additional resources, and delays in completion. Customer complaints due to poor quality can also lead to additional costs for customer service and product replacement. In order to prevent these increased costs, managers should ensure that quality is a priority in the project from the beginning and that any issues are promptly addressed.
  • Poor Reputation: Low quality in projects can lead to a poor reputation for the organization and the project team, damaging the organization's brand and leading to a loss of trust in the project team's capabilities. To prevent this, managers should ensure that quality is a top priority throughout the project and that any issues are addressed quickly and effectively.
  • Loss of Customers: Poor quality in projects can lead to a loss of customers due to decreased confidence in the organization's products and services. To prevent this, managers should not only ensure that quality is a priority, but also that customer satisfaction is a priority. This can be achieved by actively engaging with customers, communicating openly and honestly, and providing a high level of customer service.

It's important to recognize the threats posed by low quality projects and take proactive steps to address them. By focusing on quality and customer satisfaction, managers can help to ensure the success of their projects and the long-term success of their organization.

Examples of Poor Quality in Projects

Project management is the core of any successful business. Without proper management and oversight, projects can quickly become derailed and result in poor quality output and cost overruns. In this blog post, we will look at two case studies in project management and discuss what went wrong and how to avoid similar issues in the future.

The first case study we will look at is Project X. This project suffered from a lack of communication between the project team and stakeholders, which resulted in poor quality of the end product. Without a clear understanding of the project requirements and goals, the team was unable to complete the project on time and within budget. This lack of communication caused delays in the project timeline and cost overruns.

The second case study we will look at is Project Y. In this project, poor quality was the result of a lack of resources. The project team was understaffed and lacked the necessary skills and expertise required to complete the project on time and within budget. This led to a lack of accountability and oversight, resulting in a final product that was of inferior quality.

It is important for managers to take these case studies into consideration and take steps to ensure that their projects are managed properly. Proper communication between the project team and stakeholders is essential for successful project management. Additionally, having the right resources in place is also important. Proper staffing and expertise are key to ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.

By keeping these lessons in mind, managers can ensure that their projects are successful and of the highest quality. Project management is an essential part of any business and with the right tools and resources, it can help ensure the success of any project.


Quality is the cornerstone of any successful project. Without it, projects can experience delays, cost overruns, and customer dissatisfaction. However, ensuring quality in projects isn't always easy. It requires careful planning and management of quality processes throughout the entire life cycle of the project.

Quality processes should be tailored to the specific project and should be regularly monitored and evaluated. This is especially true for agile projects, which require more flexibility and faster delivery times. Quality processes should also be improved regularly to ensure that they are effective and efficient.

Real-life examples of projects that experienced delays and customer dissatisfaction due to low quality include the Singapore Changi Airport project and the Apple Maps project. The Changi Airport project was delayed due to low quality, while the Apple Maps project was widely criticized for its low quality.

It is clear that quality processes are essential for the success of any project. Project managers must take the necessary steps to ensure that quality is maintained throughout the entire life cycle of a project. This includes tailoring quality processes to the specific project, monitoring and evaluating them regularly, and improving them over time to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. By doing so, project managers can avoid costly delays and customer dissatisfaction that can result from low quality.

Suggested literature

  • Needham, D. M., Sinopoli, D. J., Dinglas, V. D., Berenholtz, S. M., Korupolu, R., Watson, S. R., ... & Pronovost, P. J. (2009). [https://academic.oup.com/intqhc/article/21/2/145/1822531 Improving data quality control in quality improvement projects. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 21(2), 145-150.