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See also

Freight is used to call carriage of goods or transported merchandise. Most often the term is used to determine the remuneration payable to the carrier or provider by cargo owner for making transportation. This fee is usually paid upon delivery of the goods to the carrier's destination, however, it can also be transferred in advance, if it is agreed in the contract. The term "freight" is most commonly used in the sea carriage, but has been extended to other modes of transport, so, for example, the fee for transport by rail, i.e. also sometimes is called "freight".

Method of calculation of freight

Freight may be calculated on different criteria such as weight, quantity, size, measurement or flat rate. As the basis for calculating freight can be taken:

  • weight of the load,
  • method of transportation,
  • speed ​​transport (depending on whether it is an express or ordinary consignment),
  • occupied floor area,
  • type of delivery, if it affects the tariff class,
  • distance of carriage.

Types of freight rates

  • contract rate,
  • tariff rate,
  • common rate,
  • current-average rate.

If the load for a specific port, will not be received and for any reasons will return to the loading port or is unloaded at the nearest safe port, the shipowner is entitled to the so-called. return freight.
