Program of global activity of the company

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The global activity program (GAP) of a business - refers to the organization, functioning and development of the whole company, addresses the major problems of its operations and focuses on core business processes and factors. All the work on the preparation of the strategy should be done by the supreme leadership of the company aided by functional management and specialized committees. Companies also frequently use the services of consultancy firms and various research centers.

The global activity program can be prepared in a condensed or expanded form (depending on the needs of the management).

Stages of GAP development

Main stages of program design:

  1. Formulating of the corporate objectives,
  2. Establishment of the GAP assumptions,
  3. Choosing of the main GAP activities.

Formulation of corporate objectives

The primary goal of every company should be striving to maintain or achieve a state of equilibrium, which is defined by the compliance of goals with the needs of customers.

General objectives are divided into sub-goals presented in a form of classifier. Division of goals is made according to various criteria: qualitative, quantitative, spatial, etc.

Establishment of the GAP assumptions

Presented here are the standards, directives and policies of the company. Main assumption of the GAP can be divided into:

  1. Determinants of constant area of businesses activity: object of activity, the industry and infrastructure.
  2. Situational requirements, such as:
  3. * Activities of competition,
  4. * Customers needs,
  5. * Environment,
  6. * Sources of financing
  7. Factors dependent on the company:
  8. * Capital expenditures,
  9. * Material and raw material supplies,
  10. * Improvement of the organizational structure,
  11. * Scope and forms of cooperation.

Choosing main GAP activities

On the one hand this phase defines tasks to be performed at any given time, on the other hand, determines the effects to be achieved in various stages of planning and plan execution.

The delineation of the GAP steps can be carried out in close (range 0.5-2 years) and prospective (range up to 20 years) planning horizon.

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