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Inspection fee
See also

Inspection fee - a fee that is charged for a service performed by state authorities and relates to control activities. It is a concept closely related to the public sector of a given country or region.

The most popular types are:

  • Property inspection fee - is one of the requirements for a mortgage. The bank pays the fee for this check, and it is the bank that controls the state of construction before paying the next loan installment. After the bank is satisfied that the construction works are going according to the agreed schedule, the bank transfers the money to the account of the developer or individual client in the case of independent construction.
  • Fee for sanitary control - such a fee may be related to an entry in the register of establishments subject to official control by the State Sanitary Inspection. They want to run a business related to food (manufacturing companies, restaurants) we are obliged to make such an entry, and this, of course, involves an additional cash payment. Further fees may be associated with typical sanitary inspections, which must be carried out in our company once in a certain period of time to receive further certificates required by the legal system of a given country.
  • Fee-related to veterinary control - the fee in connection with the veterinary check mainly concerns farmers. It is paid in connection with obtaining a certificate, issuing decisions of offices or registering equipment needed for animal husbandry (for example means of transport, cages).
  • Pharmaceutical inspection fee - the fees for these controls relate in most cases to the control of new drugs entering the market. Besides, facilities for pharmacies and laboratories are also audited. Fees are also charged for issuing certificates and decisions of controlling bodies.
  • Sea inspection fee - in this case, fees are usually charged for issuing safety certificates for passenger and cargo ships, high-speed craft and yachts. The maritime inspection also issues navigation certificates. As in the above cases, inspections should be carried out at set intervals so that the certificates and certificates are still valid.

Features of fees

The functions of fees are divided into two basic groups: fiscal and non-fiscal.

The main division of the fiscal function group is the income function. It consists of providing income to a given region, thanks to which it can invest, modernize and maintain financial liquidity. Another function is the regulatory function.

Non-fiscal functions are divided into functions: intervention (it is supposed to stimulate or inhibit the impact on various situations) and compensatory (partly compensates for repair and coverage of losses).

Other types of fees

The following types of fees can also be distinguished:

  • adjacency fee,
  • court fee,
  • stamp duty,
  • local fees,
  • bank fee,
  • local charge,
  • extension fee,
  • interchange fee,
  • ecological fee,
  • registration fee,
  • market fee.


Author: Julianna Lekarczyk