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In everyday language, career advancement means embracing a responsible position or recognition in the eyes of others. In the literature it is referred as a process of personal development and achievement of personal goals. W. Griffin defines career as a set of work-related experiences, behaviors and attitudes expressed during ongoing active professional life of a person. We can, therefore highlight two dimensions of career: objective and subjective. The first relates to the types and number of functions performed and the achieved position within the organization hierarchy. The second one has a close relationship with a person's personal development, its aspirations, values ​​and needs.

The shape of careers is affected by the earliest years of life, and therefore it should be carefully planned. The most important thing is to set goals that person want to achieve during his working life. The biggest advantage of career planning include:

  • the feeling that you are "architect of his own fate",
  • a conscious choice of career with the conviction of its rightness,
  • analysis of own abilities and awareness of possessed advantages,
  • satisfaction with profession,
  • increased attractiveness in the eyes of the employer.

J. Eliot gives the following guidelines to help person achieve his professional success:

  • When making important decisions they should rely primarily on their experience and intuition rather than on reason, in accordance with the principle of "less thought, more act".
  • Do not focus too much on results, but take pleasure in what you are doing.
  • Be open to new, even risky solution, because only such provide the opportunity to develop and test your skills.
  • Be confident and develop this trait in your employees.
  • Focus on one goal and be fully involved in it.
  • Focus on successes and not failures.
  • To succeed you must remember that no quantity of work is important, but its quality.
