Waste level monitoring

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Monitoring means regular qualitative and quantitative measurements or observations of a phenomenon, or the presence of harmful substances, carried out in a pre-determined time intervals. Data collected help managers to take appropriate corrective action in the case of adverse effects of production processes on life or the environment. Monitoring enables to take corrective action or to remove the adverse effects in existing problem situation, e.g. environmental pollution.

Waste quantity monitoring

The obligation to carry out waste quantity monitoring applies to companies which, as a result of doing business produce waste, as well as those which deal with the collection and transport of waste. An exception are units which use waste for their own needs.

Simplified record taking can be performed with waste transfer card by:

  • the holder of the waste, which operates in the field of the transport of waste,
  • small and medium-sized enterprises, which annually produce a specific quantity and type of waste.

Waste transfer card is created in two copies, one for each party. There is a possibility of a bulk waste transfer report, covering the same waste passed to the holder within one month.

All waste transfer records should be kept for 5 years and presented at the request of the control authorities.

Companies are required to communicate to the authorities of the end of the first quarter of each year, the cumulative records for the type and quantity of waste and methods used for waste management in the previous year.
