Ecologically sustainable development

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Ecologically sustainable development - this is a development that achieves a balance in terms of ecology and progress. Its aim is to maintain the right proportions, which are able to satisfy social needs. Used primarily in the public policy of the state or large enterprises that have an impact on the environment. It also follows from the concept that where there is a serious threat of harm to the environment or to the flora, each public or private entity is obliged to protect this good by sacrificing its assets. This is due to the fact that in recent years the problem of environmental degradation through the use of chemical or industrial materials has been noticed. It is precisely such activities that have a negative impact on the development of plants and trees, which are the basis for the functioning of human civilization.

Regulation of ecologically sustainable development

Achieving sustainable ecological development is possible thanks to a number of legal regulations protecting nature. These are laws that have been passed to ensure the protection of the environment and to control human activities in the use of natural resources. Therefore, for each activity that may have an impact on the environment, each of the entities (natural person, legal entity, public institution) is obliged to obtain a relevant permit. From the simplest things like cutting down a tree on your own property to starting your own mineral extraction business[1]. It is worth mentioning that all the regulations related to environmental protection law derive from the concept of ecologically sustainable development. This is due to the fact that people who are sincerely interested in ecology could not do anything about proclaiming the idea itself. Therefore, the state authorities, noting the validity of their demands, introduced appropriate regulations to protect against environmental damage.

Causes of introducing ecologically sustainable development

The reasons for implementing a given concept were the excessive industrial activity of man in the 20th century. It was then that the first information about global warming or the widening of the ozone hole began to appear. Therefore, scientists from all over the world started to investigate the causes of these ecological disasters. Together, they came to the conclusion that excessive combustion of fossil fuels significantly damages the environment[2]. Considering the above, the concept of ecologically sustainable development was presented in order to counteract these phenomena. Within this framework, the countries have jointly agreed on the following things:

  • will not overburden fossil fuels;
  • will seek to limit the expansion of the ozone hole and global warming;
  • develop international environmental laws and standards.

Currently, within the framework of economic cooperation between states for violating environmental standards, states may be punished with trade sanctions or embargoes. The concept of ecologically sustainable development is very strong and permeates much of the public debate. Nevertheless, companies are still trying to bypass these rights by saying that they are not good for the economy and lead to bigger disasters than they are good for[3].

Examples of Ecologically sustainable development

  1. Renewable Energy Sources: Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and geothermal energy, are some of the most effective ways to develop an ecologically sustainable future. These energy sources are clean, safe, and have a low impact on the environment compared to traditional forms of energy like fossil fuels. By utilizing these renewable sources, nations can reduce their carbon footprints and reduce their reliance on non-renewable energy sources.
  2. Sustainable Agriculture: Sustainable agriculture is a form of ecologically sustainable development that focuses on producing food in a sustainable manner. This includes using natural fertilizers, reducing water consumption, and utilizing crop rotation to reduce the need for pesticides and other chemicals. By using sustainable agricultural methods, countries can reduce the amount of pollution caused by traditional agricultural practices and increase their food production.
  3. Waste Management: Proper waste management is essential for ecologically sustainable development. By reducing the amount of waste that is produced, countries can reduce their environmental impact and prevent pollution. This includes reducing the use of disposable items, composting organic waste, and recycling.
  4. Sustainable Forestry: Sustainable forestry is a form of ecologically sustainable development that focuses on protecting forests while still allowing for necessary timber production. This includes practices such as selective logging, replanting trees, and creating buffer zones around forests. By implementing these practices, nations can reduce their environmental impact while still utilizing the resources of their forests.

Advantages of Ecologically sustainable development

Ecologically sustainable development is an important concept in public policy and private enterprise, as it ensures the conservation of the environment and its resources. The following are some of the advantages of this approach:

  • Ecologically sustainable development creates a balance between progress and ecology, allowing both to progress without harming each other. This helps to ensure the best possible outcomes for both the environment and society.
  • It reduces the amount of pollution in the environment by reducing the number of dangerous chemicals and other pollutants being released into the environment. This helps to prevent further damage to the environment and its resources.
  • It encourages economic growth and job creation by providing incentives for businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices. This leads to more jobs and investment in the region, which helps to increase the overall economic health of the area.
  • Ecologically sustainable development also helps to conserve resources for future generations. By conserving resources, future generations will be able to enjoy the benefits of the environment without having to worry about their own destruction.

Limitations of Ecologically sustainable development

The limitations of ecologically sustainable development include:

  • High cost of implementation and maintenance - To achieve ecologically sustainable development, a significant amount of money needs to be invested in research and development, as well as in the implementation and maintenance of eco-friendly technologies.
  • Lack of public awareness - Despite the fact that there is an increasing awareness about the importance of eco-friendly practices, the general public still lacks information and knowledge on the subject.
  • Lack of effective regulations - There are many regulations in place to protect the environment, but they lack in their effectiveness and implementation.
  • Limited resources and technology - The resources and technology needed to implement sustainable development practices are limited and often expensive.
  • Political instability - Political instability in certain countries can lead to a lack of commitment to ecologically sustainable development, thus undermining progress.

Other approaches related to Ecologically sustainable development

To achieve ecologically sustainable development, there are several approaches that need to be taken into consideration. These include:

  • Using renewable energy sources instead of non-renewable sources. This means that the focus should be on using solar, wind, geothermal, and other sources of renewable energy to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, which have a negative impact on the environment.
  • Implementing green building practices. This involves the use of materials that are environmentally friendly and that reduce energy consumption. This includes the use of eco-friendly insulation, efficient lighting, and water-conservation systems.
  • Promoting sustainable agriculture. This means that the use of pesticides and fertilizers should be minimized, and that more natural methods of farming should be used. This can also include the use of sustainable fishing and livestock practices.
  • Encouraging the use of public transportation. This means that people should be encouraged to use public transportation such as buses, trains, and bicycles instead of cars whenever possible. This reduces emissions and the need for fossil fuels.
  • Investing in research and development of green technologies. This includes the development of technologies that use renewable energy sources and that promote energy efficiency.

In summary, achieving ecologically sustainable development requires taking a variety of approaches. These include using renewable energy sources, implementing green building practices, promoting sustainable agriculture, encouraging the use of public transportation, and investing in research and development of green technologies.


  1. Flint L. E., Flint A. L., Thorne J. H., Boynton R., (2013) p.1-21
  2. Holden E., Linnerud K., Banister D., (2014) p.130-139
  3. Ihlen O., Roper J., (2011) p.1-10

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Author: Kinga Adamska