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The government is main part of the executive power in democratic countries. In Poland, it is known as the Council of Ministers. The Government is to guide the implementation of the functions of the state, and coordinate the work of bodies such as the public administration. It coordinates internal as well as foreign policy, and also has the power to decide on all matters which are not reserved for other organs. The government includes: Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and the Ministers of individual government departments.


  • majority government - is created by parties with a majority in parliament,
  • minority - party forming the Council of Ministers does not have an overwhelming number of seats and is not being able to create a strong coalition
  • national unity government - is made up of representatives of all (or most) parties in the national Parliament
  • technocratic government - this type is created in order to carry out specific important tasks within a specified time.


  • Initiation competences - are associated with the commencement of any action regarding policy:
    • the right of regulatory initiative
    • development of the state budget bill
    • submission of an application to the President on the introduction of martial law or emergency.
  • executive competences - Council of Ministers is responsible for implementation of state budget,
  • management competence - relate to directing and coordinating the offices of public administration,
  • supervisory competence - monitoring and correcting execution of public administration.


  • Executive - targeting and coordination,
  • Steering - implementation of the particular policies
  • Governing - carrying out state policy.

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