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Teamware is a software solution used for supporting the development of knowledge in the organization. Its essence boils down to computer-aided teamwork and communication. The use of computers and specialized software makes it easier to solve complex problems much faster and more efficiently.

Computer-assisted forms of teamwork are aimed at arranging meetings between members of the project group in time and space and the use of various tools to facilitate communication. It is primarily about forms of communication such as computer-assisted meetings, presentations, teleconferencing and videoconferencing, e-mail, databases and Internet.

Teamware, and other collaboration software (groupware, communication software, shared calendars) facilitates cooperation between staff of different organizational units because it overcomes the resistance and allows free exchange of information and ideas between team members, e.g. in projects. Suitable software and access to a network allows members of intense dialogue and above all reduces the time to solve the problem and improving the quality of decisions.

Applications of teamware

Teamware is a type of software that is designed to support and enhance the collaboration and communication of teams. The goals of using teamware can include:

  • Improving communication: Teamware can be used to improve communication among team members, by providing tools for real-time messaging, video conferencing, and file sharing.
  • Enhancing collaboration: Teamware can be used to enhance collaboration among team members, by providing tools for shared document editing, task management, and project management.
  • Increasing productivity: Teamware can be used to increase productivity by streamlining workflows, reducing the need for face-to-face meetings, and providing tools for organizing and tracking tasks and projects.
  • Improving accountability: Teamware can be used to improve accountability among team members, by providing tools for tracking and reporting on the progress of tasks and projects.
  • Enhancing decision-making: Teamware can be used to enhance decision-making by providing tools for brainstorming, voting, and consensus building.
  • Improving knowledge sharing: Teamware can be used to improve knowledge sharing by providing tools for creating and sharing knowledge bases and best practices.
  • Enhancing remote work: Teamware can be used to enhance remote work by providing tools that allow team members to collaborate and communicate effectively while working remotely.
  • Improving team dynamics: Teamware can be used to improve team dynamics by providing tools that help to build trust, teamwork, and a sense of shared purpose among team members.

In summary, teamware is used to support and enhance the collaboration and communication of teams, with the goals of improving communication, collaboration, productivity, accountability, decision-making, knowledge sharing, remote work and team dynamics.


  • Flow, T. (1995). Collaborative workflow system for the way people work. International Computers.
  • Georgakopoulos, D. (2004). Teamware: An evaluation of key technologies and open problems. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 15(1), 9-44.
  • Gillmore, S., & Angus, J. (1999). Teamware comes of age. Information Week, Sep, 20.
  • Georgakopoulos, D. (2004). Teamware: An evaluation of key technologies and open problems. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 15(1), 9-44.