Teritorial government

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Territorial government is the manifestation of decentralization to the local level, protected by the highest legal act - the Constitution. It is the foundation of organization of local authorities.

In a general sense, the essence of self-government is to entrust the public affairs to the interested citizens (and businesses). With regard to regional or local authorities, this is done by creating and acceptance of autonomous system of organs and equipping them with adequate powers. An essential condition for the creation of such bodies is the acceptance by the state of the local community interests and regional differences, while at the same time the existence of the interests of society as a whole.

The mission of local government

The mission of local government is the same as:

  • implementing the idea of self-government, that triggers in the change in the mentality of the community. This is the result of a democratic choosing of competent local authorities
  • activation of territorial communities - inspiration for the community to action for interests of local environment
  • rationalization of actions of public authorities, which must bear in mind the needs of the community.

Local authorities form a system of power and ownership in relation to the surroundings, which bear important consequences:

  • activities of authorities must be co-ordinated,
  • this coordination must involve tax sphere and expense policy,
  • responsibility for public affairs

See also:

Teritorial governmentrecommended articles
District officeState administrationEuropean Charter for Regional Self-GovernmentVoivodePublic authorityTourist policyEuropean Charter for Local Self-GovernmentMarshal officeLocal government
