Coaching and mentoring

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Coaching and mentoring are two closely related methods used to improve skills and competencies of employees within organisation. Main goals of coaching are:

  • adapting training pace and material to the individual's ability,
  • using individual methods of measuring progress,
  • matching the needs of trainees and organizations,
  • building partnership and providing full feedback,
  • working out solutions to problems by the trainee,
  • discussion and solution analysis

Mentoring is about caring for the development of skills and competencies and career path. Unlike coaching, it is performed over a longer time horizon (1-3 years). It is based on a long-term relationship with a person with a much larger baggage of experience and knowledge that supports a person with less experience or shorter seniority in development. Mentoring can take the form of both an informal relationship and a formalized program. Usually it is used in manager development programs.

Coaching at work

Improved job performance and empowerment by the workers are things that will be noticeable in organizations where coaching skills are enforced. Also employees' higher feeling of self value will be noticeable which will lead to higher likelihood staying in organizations by employees. Organizations which are implementing considerable changes in a comparatively short time, have to choose the way of addressing managing those changes and how to maintain their employees. This is the reason of question about correlation between globalization and coaching. Between globalization and coaching we can find a correlation which requires from employees: higher level of effectiveness in the way they work, to be more competitive and higher level of their productivity. To deal with some of the problems that organizations have, they turns to the coaching experts for support. Coaches are cooperating with organization leaders to support them in: setting expectations of their subordinates, making important choices when they have to make tough decisions. Coaches also help them in meeting targets. Essentially coaching is a change. We can term coaching as an art and science which facilities learning and developing of others by way of a personal and individual training at work that for improving skills. Coaching can better relevantly performance. The thing that is necessary to achieve mentioned performance improvement is coaching conducting through dialog which is structured. This structured dialog have to be devise strategically with reasonable goals. Organizations which may need coaching but did not embrace it have problems with the notion of investing in coaching. Coaching is perceived as thing that is labor-consuming, pricey and hard to assess. In organizations are two types of coaching - informal and formal. Additionally, formal coaching divides to external and internal(M. W. Tompkins 2018).

Coaches in organizations have really positive perspectives for the future due to subordinates are adjusting to interaction's new ways and are bringing results to their organization (C. Kingston 2018).

Additional advantages of coaching

Coaching can be helpful in reducing stress. It can help directly or indirectly. Directly - in situation when particular person is searching coaching in order to reduce stress and proper coaching intervention is concentrated on solving its reasons - internal as well as external. Indirectly - in this case particular person can looking for coaching due to different reasons. For example, for improving performance, increasing productivity, achieving job goals or improving communication skills (K. Gyllensten, S. Palmer 2005).


Author: Justyna Kulesa