Great man theory of leadership

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The great man theory of leadership is the hypothesis that suggests that history and development in the world are driven by the influence of so-called heroes, great people, or influencers, and not by the fact that the generations and times "simply change" [1]. According to this theory, it is highly influential individuals with unique personality traits, manners of communication, heroic behavior, a superior intellect, supernatural courage, or extraordinary leadership abilities that have decisive historical significance. This theory concerning the great people's impact on the world processes, ideas, and actions, first arose in the 19th century due to the contributions of the Scottish essayist, historian, and philosopher Thomas Carlyle [2]. He highlighted the main ideas regarding to the great man theory in own book called On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History [3].

The history of creation

The great man theory was born from a concept that was popular in the 19th century. According to it, history and everything serious that has ever happened in the world can be explained in terms of the influence that great people or heroes had on historical events [4]. It is believed that the founder of this theory was the Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle. The main idea of this theory is that great leaders are born as such by nature, and they are not formed by the influence of the environment or upbringing. It is the set of innate characteristics in true leaders that is very different from the innate set of other people. Moreover, these specific features enable them to lead the masses and write history [5]. The representatives of such leaders were Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler [6].

The famous philosopher and political scientist Herbert Spencer refuted the theory of the great man, calling it "childish, primitive and simply unscientific" [7]. He suggested that great leaders have always been shaped by their environment, and he argued that such people are generated by society itself. Moreover, he wanted most people to believe it. It is also worth noting that any theory will always have those who will criticize it. Despite Spencer's thoughts, the great man theory remains very popular in the study of the phenomenon of leadership. There is another striking counterargument to this concept, namely that history knows many great leaders who certainly did not possess the above innate qualities. However, scientific studies prove that leadership is a complex term and many other factors besides natural inclinations really affect the level of success that a person will achieve.

The great man in 2020

The world does not standstill. In this regard, new areas and new professions have appeared, in which a great man can be distinguished. These new representatives of the great man in the 21st century do not hesitate to call themselves icons, legends, or simply influencers. The ones can be male, female, or transgender. They can be of completely different ages, religions, and nationalities. According to the rankings and the polls on the Internet, such individuals are the great men in 2020 [8]:

  • Bill Gates (business magnate, software developer, and philanthropist)
  • Donald John Trump (businessman, 45th president of the United States)
  • Anthony Fauci (American physician, immunologist)
  • Angela Merkel (German politician)
  • Elon Reeve Musk (business magnate, industrial designer, engineer)
  • Tsai Ing-wen (Taiwanese politician)
  • Joe Biden (American politician, the president of the United States)
  • John Roberts (American lawyer and jurist)
  • Kamala Devi Harris (American politician)
  • Xi Jinping (Chinese politician)

This list can be very long. However, at any time, the best people will be born that way or create great leaders in themselves without shouting that they are the best. The best is determined by work and achievements, not by loud words.

Examples of Great man theory of leadership

  • Alexander the Great: Alexander the Great is an example of a great man who made a huge impact on history. He conquered much of the known world, and his legacy and influence can still be seen today.
  • Julius Caesar: Julius Caesar is another example of a great man who had a huge influence on the world. Caesar was a brilliant military strategist and leader who also had a significant impact on the Roman Empire and its culture.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.: Martin Luther King Jr. is an example of a great man who made an incredible impact on the world. He was a civil rights leader and a powerful advocate for equal rights and justice for all. His legacy and impact are still felt today.
  • Mahatma Gandhi: Mahatma Gandhi is another example of a great man who had an immense impact on the world. He led India’s non-violent struggle for independence from Great Britain, and his legacy and influence can still be seen today.
  • Queen Elizabeth I: Queen Elizabeth I is another example of a great man who had a huge influence on the world. She was a powerful monarch who held the throne of England for many years and had a great impact on the culture and history of England.

Advantages of Great man theory of leadership

The great man theory of leadership has several advantages. These advantages include:

  • It provides a clear explanation for why certain individuals have been so influential in history. The theory suggests that great people have been able to have an outsized impact on history because of their unique abilities and skills, rather than simply because of the changing times.
  • It emphasizes the importance of personal leadership traits, such as charisma, courage, and vision, which can help inspire and motivate people to accomplish great tasks.
  • It helps to explain the role of the individual in history, and how their influence can be felt in different eras and times. This is especially important in understanding the legacies of certain individuals, such as Martin Luther King Jr, who left an indelible mark on history.
  • It also serves as a reminder that history is not predestined, and that individuals can have a major impact on the course of history. This can be a source of inspiration and motivation, as it suggests that any individual can have a major impact on their society, if they have the right traits and abilities.

Limitations of Great man theory of leadership

The great man theory of leadership suggests that the success of any organization or society is determined by the presence of a few influential people. However, this theory has some limitations. These include:

  • It ignores the importance of collective action and team work. This theory fails to recognize the importance of collective efforts and collaboration among different members of the organization or society. It relies too heavily on the idea that one great leader can make a difference.
  • It fails to recognize the role of contextual factors. The great man theory does not account for the influence of external factors such as economic, political, and social changes on an organization’s success.
  • It ignores the importance of the environment. The theory fails to recognize the importance of the organization’s environment and culture in determining success.
  • It ignores the importance of innovation. The great man theory does not account for the role of innovation and creativity in enabling success.
  • It overlooks the importance of the long-term. This theory does not recognize the importance of long-term planning and strategies for ensuring success.

Overall, the great man theory of leadership fails to recognize the importance of collective efforts, external factors, environment, innovation, and long-term planning in achieving success. Therefore, this theory should be used as a guide, rather than an absolute law.

Other approaches related to Great man theory of leadership

The Great Man Theory of Leadership is not the only approach when it comes to leadership. There are other theories or approaches that can be used to understand and analyze the dynamics of leadership, such as:

  • The Trait Theory of Leadership, which suggests that leadership is determined by personal traits, skills and abilities of leaders.
  • The Style Theory of Leadership, which suggests that leadership is determined by the behavior and style of a leader.
  • The Situational Theory of Leadership, which suggests that leadership is determined by the situation and circumstances of a leader.
  • The Contingency Theory of Leadership, which suggests that leadership is determined by the leader’s ability to adapt to the situation.
  • The Transformational Leadership Theory, which suggests that leadership is determined by the leader’s ability to motivate and inspire people to achieve a common goal.

To sum up, the Great Man Theory of Leadership is one of many approaches to understand the dynamics of leadership. Other theories or approaches include the Trait Theory, Style Theory, Situational Theory, Contingency Theory, and Transformational Leadership Theory.


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Author: Anna Sobolieva