Hersey and Blanchard model

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Hersey and Blanchard model of situational leadership was developed in 1968 by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, and was a basis for development of situational approach to management. In situational approach to management each action taken by managers is good if it is applied respective to the current situation. The best answer to the question of how to manage is: "it depends." Effective solution used in one situation may give completely different results in other. According to the situational approach, the manager should determine which method in a given situation and conditions is best to achieve the goals.

Process of leadership

Leadership is a process of positive impact (not to be confused with manipulation) on members of the team performing actions towards the common goal. Leaders often take unpopular decisions and refer to intuition, promote independence and responsibility. They are trying to create conditions for taking risks and learning. They loudly express their support for people who are trying to improve products, services or production process. The leader inspires people, in contrast to manager who controls and give orders.

Competences of leader according to Hersey and Blanchard

The leader should possess the following competencies

  • Ability to properly diagnose the situation and determine the needs of the group,
  • The ability to use different leadership styles according to the degree of maturity of individual employees,
  • communication skills, to properly inform people on goals and objectives of the team,
  • knowledge on a broad, management methods and techniques giving best results in a particular situation,
  • ability to build relationships (formal and informal) between people in the organization,
  • the ability to use knowledge and competence in practice.

The most important of these skills is the ability to communicate with people, because it is through people manager pursues the objectives of the organization. By proper communication manager:

  • Avoids conflicts
  • Improve cooperation
  • Increases the possibility of impact on people.
Fig. 1. Hersey and Blanchard situational leadership model

Management style and maturity of employees in Hersey and Blanchard model

In order to find the appropriate style for manager, they should determine the level of professional maturity of employee. It is determined by two main features: their competencies and motivation (morale). The competences include knowledge or skills. Maturity include motivation and self-confidence in the possibility of achieving the objective (fig. 1.).

Given these two factors 4 levels of maturity can be distinguished:

  • M1 - low competence and high morale - the employee is unable to execute the task (low effectiveness) but nevertheless very motivated to carry it out (high morale). It is often result of lack of experience. These are usually young workers.
  • M2 - medium competences and low commitment - negatively oriented employee who can not independently do a good job and has a low level of willingness to act (low morale).
  • M3 - medium / high competence and low commitment:
    • sufficient competence but low desire and morale because of a lack of faith in own strength.
    • low level of morale and willingness to act because of boredom.
  • M4 - high competence and high commitment - the perfect employee.

For each employee's maturity level managers should use different management style.. Accordingly 4 management styles can be distinguished:

  • Q1 - instructing - the manager should carefully define the objectives, support worker to assist him in the planning and organization of activities. It requires strong commitment and, above all, patience and listening skills of the manager.
  • Q2 - consulting - the role of the manager is to build and increase self-confidence in the employee. Manager gives instructions although the selection of the final solution to the problem should belong to the employee.
  • Q3 - supporting - the manager encourage the employee to discuss, to share their own experience, and above all, to facilitate problem solving.
  • Q4 - delegating - manager should promote independence and increase employee responsibility for task and goal achievement. Manager should encourage people to take on new challenges, fully delegate the decision powers to the employee.

Requirements for manager in Hersey and Blanchard model

Situational approach requires high flexibility from managers. In addition, its main features include also:

  • decentralized organizational forms and high participation,
  • direct contacts as a means of coordination,
  • high innovation in adapting the company to the external conditions,
  • high level of vertical and horizontal communication,
  • highly developed collegiality,
  • determining the objectives of the action depending on the priority of tasks.

Criticism of situational approach to leadership

Critics of situational approach indicate that:

  • Situational approaches can not be considered a separate management theory (it only integrates different theories)
  • There is nothing new in it, because already H. Fayol in the classical school drew attention to the need for flexibility and adaptation of management methods to the situation.

Examples of Hersey and Blanchard model

  • Task-oriented Leadership: This type of leadership is used when the leader needs to accomplish a specific goal. For example, a manager may assign a team to complete a project by a certain deadline. The leader would focus on the goal and the timeline and provide clear instructions and expectations to the team.
  • Relationship-oriented Leadership: This style of leadership is used when the leader needs to foster a positive relationship between the team members. For example, a manager may bring the team together to brainstorm ideas and encourage collaboration. The leader would focus on creating a positive environment and motivating the team to work together.
  • Directive Leadership: This type of leadership is used when the leader needs to give instructions and ensure that they are followed. For example, a manager may assign roles and responsibilities to the team members and make sure that the tasks are completed on time. The leader would focus on providing clear directions and monitoring progress.
  • Supportive Leadership: This style of leadership is used when the leader needs to provide support and guidance to the team. For example, a manager may provide feedback and advice to the team members to help them work more effectively. The leader would focus on providing resources and assistance to the team.

Advantages of Hersey and Blanchard model

The Hersey and Blanchard model of situational leadership has a number of advantages. These include:

  • Flexibility: The model allows managers to adjust their approach to different situations, as each situation requires a different level of leadership. This means that managers can tailor their approach to each individual case, allowing them to be more effective in managing their team.
  • Structure: The model provides a structure for managers to use when evaluating different leadership styles, allowing them to choose the best approach for each situation.
  • Focus on results: The model focuses on results, and encourages managers to adjust their approach to ensure that the best results are achieved.
  • Clear roles: The model clearly outlines the roles of the manager and team members, which helps to improve communication and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • Improved team dynamics: The model helps to create an environment of trust and respect between managers and team members, which can help to improve team dynamics.

Limitations of Hersey and Blanchard model

The Hersey and Blanchard model of situational leadership has certain limitations, which include:

  • The model is not applicable to every type of situation or leadership style. It is applicable only to certain types of situations and leadership styles.
  • The model does not provide clear guidance on how to adjust a certain leadership style to the specific situation. It provides only general advice on how to manage a certain situation.
  • The model does not take into account the various factors that may influence the effectiveness of the chosen leadership style, such as the individual characteristics of the employees, the organizational culture, or the external environment.
  • The model does not provide any advice on how to assess the effectiveness of the chosen leadership style.
  • The model does not explain how to develop a leadership style that is suitable for the specific situation and circumstances.

Other approaches related to Hersey and Blanchard model

The Hersey and Blanchard model of situational leadership has been a basis for developing other approaches to leadership and management. These approaches are:

  • The Path-Goal Theory of Leadership, developed in 1971 by Robert House, which focuses on setting goals and creating a path to achieve them.
  • The Contingency Theory of Leadership, developed in 1977 by Fred Fiedler, which suggests that the success of a leader depends on the situation they are in.
  • The Transformational Leadership Theory, developed in 1978 by James MacGregor Burns, which suggests that leaders motivate and inspire their followers to achieve greatness.
  • The Charismatic Leadership Theory, developed in 1983 by John Kotter, which suggests that leaders use their charisma to influence and motivate their followers.

In summary, there are several approaches to leadership and management related to Hersey and Blanchard's model of situational leadership. These include the Path-Goal Theory of Leadership, the Contingency Theory of Leadership, the Transformational Leadership Theory, and the Charismatic Leadership Theory. Each of these approaches has its own merits and can be applied to different situations to help leaders achieve their goals.

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