Market positioning

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Market positioning or differently Product positioning may be detected as the conjugation between brand identification and brand image. Positioning owns two main conveniences and each of them is useful to the target management organization. First enables the client to distinguish the brand among other alike targets, second benefit says that target via its positioning might achieve competing convenience by excellence of its individuality (A. Lewis-Cameron, S. Roberts, 2010, p. 53).

Market positioning's meaning

Market positioning contains determining the position on the market which the stock is to take. In running this, the startegist is setting out to consumers what the stock is and what the differences between existing and prospective competing goods are. Example of it may be Porsche, that is positioned in the glamorous segment of the vehicle market, having distinctive convenience on the basis of performance (R. M. S. Wilson, C. Gilligan, 2012, p. 353). Positioning is the procedure of making design and worth so that clients into the target segment realize what the business either brand represents in proportion to its opponents (R. M. S. Wilson, C. Gilligan, 2012, p. 354).

Market positioning is primarily one part of STP marketing, which involves Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (R. M. S. Wilson, C. Gilligan, 2012, p. 353).

Segmentation is the technique of sharing markets into parts of expected clients with alike desires and/ either features that are probably to show close acquisition attitude (A. Weinstein, 2004, p. 4). The purpose of segmentation investigation is to analyse markets, get through to niche spaces and ultimately capitalise on a principal competing position. It might be achieved by picking one either more classes of consumers like targets for marketing run and expanding particular marketing plans to access these essential possibilities, it means market segments (A. Weinstein, 2004, p. 5).

Targeting is making decisions on choosinng one either more target markets. A target market is a part of people or institutions for which a business arranges, launches and keep marketing mix aimed to see the desires of that class leading up to commonly gladness swaps (C. W. Lamb, J. F. Hair, C. McDaniel, 2008, p. 220).

Product position versus Product positioning

There is sometimes confusion among positioning definitions. That's why two explanations are put forward:

  1. Product position, which concerns users related approaches of competitive brands in a particular point of time.
  2. Product positioning means the procedure of extending and introducing unique marketing movements intended to impacting on users' approaches of products positions (C. W. Lamb, Jr. P. M. Dunne, 2011, p. 116).

The crucial thing here is difference between position and positioning. Product positioning revolves around marketer's pursuits more than accomplishment, whereas product position attaches importance to detections in a concrete time (C. W. Lamb, Jr. P. M. Dunne, 2011, p. 116).

Market positioning's Strategies based on tourism example

Ries and Trout claim, that market positioning is how the user sees either detects the product in comparison to other alike products. Kotler suggested three grades for the positioning technique of a tourism industry. They involve:

  1. recognising gathering of likely competitory conveniences upon that to create a position,
  2. choosing the appropriate competitory conveniences and
  3. efficiently conveying and distributing the picked position to a cautiously chosen target market (A. Lewis-Cameron, S. Roberts, 2010, p. 54).

A lot of players with their choice messages intended to customer are able to cause emmbarrassment in awareness of the target market. The user next is supposed to filtrate this information towards best find and save what is significant to them, usually applying previous background and experiences. This programme may result in understatement of the good to a unique image, and thus this is where perceiving makes a significant influence in decisions. That is accountability of the touristic destnation marketing organization named DMO to lead the user in its senses through delivering apparent, simple messages on the marketed product. On the whole, it drives at imaginations and features as piece of the market positioning structure, as these may project the whole of benefit of the marketing strategy as well as the arising result of the destination's tourism part generally (A. Lewis-Cameron, S. Roberts, 2010, p. 54).


Author: Aleksandra Otczyk