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Hospitality services quality
See also

Hospitality services quality is one of the most important parameters in assessing hospitality services. In the hotel industry key factors determining the level of quality are:

  • level of performance and technical condition of the object,
  • quantity, quality and novelty of equipment,
  • professional conduct of employees,
  • functional and organizational solutions,
  • external conditions (e.g. cultural attractions, shopping centres, leisure activities, economic development, competition),
  • reliability of service,
  • speed of service,
  • confidence and professionalism,
  • individual approach to clients.
Hospitality services quality.png

Criteria and indicators of hospitality services quality

The basic criteria of quality are:

  • accuracy,
  • stability,
  • speed of reaction within the specified requirements,
  • complexity of services.

Factors impacting hospitality services quality

Various factors have strong impact on the quality of hotel services:

  • Market competition among the hotels. Guests are increasingly demanding from owners and hotel managers right attitude to service quality. On the market of hotel services customer has deciding vote and this fact forces the design, provision and development of new, higher standards of service.
  • Activities of organizations governing tourism significantly affects the quality by supervision and control operations carried out by state bodies, local governments and specialized institutions. Control activities, enforce maintenance of standards, quality, health and security.
  • Activities of the professional hoteliers affects the quality of hotel services through the recommendation system. Other organizations enforce the quality of services e.g. trade organizations, competitors.
  • Legal regulations - very broadly refer to state laws, sanitary regulations, or environment protection. Main legislative influence on the level of hotel services quality is category of the hotel.

Hospitality is a specific industry because of the complex nature of the service provided, it includes a number of services (e.g. accommodation, food), usually dependent on the characteristics of the object and its category. Hence the apparent diversity of contests organized as part of this sector. We can divide them as follows:

  • Quality of services provided at the point of view client (Golden Key, Hotel of Dreams),
  • The overall activity of the hotel from the perspective of industry experts (Simply The Best)
  • Quality catering services provided in the hotel restaurants (Golden Pan,Bartenders Competition)
  • Level of preparedness for future staff to provide hotel services (Competition knowledge on the hotel industry).

Causes of customer dissatisfaction

When a customer is dissatisfied with the service then there is a distortion of the quality of hotel services. Typically, dissatisfaction is associated with the following causes:

  • hotel has not performed all offered services,
  • hotel didn't present offer quite clearly,
  • the client wasn't effectively acquainted with offer,
  • information about prices, service was not sufficiently clear,
  • the hotel uses impractical solutions,
  • negligent staff,
  • equipment failure,
  • inefficiency of service.

Causes of customer dissatisfaction should be regarded as objective reasons. Customer should be satisfied with the consumption of the product. Should be convinced that the choice of hotel made by him is right. If customer dissatisfaction is due to our negligence that is to say that we did not do anything to pass information in a comprehensible manner. There may also be due to subjective reasons for solutions different from those to whom the customer is accustomed, and even having its source in the state of health or comfort of a client. Any kind of customer dissatisfaction should be subject to an immediate reaction from the hotel management. Therefore, action should be taken to ensure quality customer service.


Author: Ryndak Marzena