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Importance of technology
See also

Importance of technology- this concept is connected with field of technology that deals with the process of shaping and modifying specified entity or information, development of new production systems or production processes. Technology has a beneficial effect on the result of market and efficiency organization[1].

Types of technology

There are several kinds of technology:

  • Nanotechnology (a science department related to creation structure of atoms and molecules. It is a very popular and fast-growing science[2]. Nanotechnology is not only the production of specific plastics or materials, a very important application of nanotechnology is medicine. For example, by using nanoparticles, we can neutralize the adverse effect of medicines on live cells in the body. However nanotechnology in the food industry is used for the manufacture of packaging. There are packages that guarantee that food stays fresh for a long time.
  • Biotechnology (a science department that uses biological processes to produce processes or products for a specific goal. This is a very well-known and used method for a very long time. For example, by fermentation of sugars and yeasts, we gain beer or dairy products. Biotechnology is also applicable in the field of recycling to protect the environment and clean it of impurities[3]. In the field of medicine, biotechnology is used in genetics (DNA chips).
  • High-tech (a concept that has its purpose in advanced techniques and scientific discoveries, for example pharmacy, informatics, robotics or medicine).
  • Machine construction technology (a concept that is characterized by knowledge in the field of electrical and mechanical engineering. Specified techniques allow to produce parts of machines or devices and their installations and constructions).
  • Chemical technology (a concept related to knowledge in the field of chemical engineering, dealing with transforming specific raw materials into practical products. They are obtained during physical processes and chemical reactions, for example by distillation, extraction or absorption).
  • Information technology (a concept related to the method of processing and obtaining information. It is a combination of telecommunications and informatics by using software and specific computer hardware allows to transfer, process, store and secure information. The recipient can analyze, select and use them).
  • Educational technology (a concept related to using technological progress which the goal is to facilitating education for example use of interactive whiteboards or multimedia projectors, e-books, electronic legitimacy cards, e-learning or remote teaching).
  • Digital technology (a concept related to using IT system and digital system. The main goal of digital technology is introducing to the economic sector devices and systems such as: television and digital radio (whose signal bypasses all distortions), digital photography (to capture frame in digital form), digital printing (to create a picture sent from a computer without the use of additional data medium), digital signature (method of verifying the authenticity of documents), electronic mail (mobile mail enabling communication with other users).

Threats of modern technology

The development and innovation of technology brings with it many possibilities but also threats such as:

  • technical threats (resulting from theft or destruction of the database by man or computer viruses)
  • psychological threats (addiction to the Internet, loss of entity in virtual life, which does not know difference between real and virtual life)
  • legal threats (plagiarism for example copying of copyrights)
  • social threats (exclusion the entity caused by social division)
  • information threats (too much information, contradiction of information)



  1. Andersson U., Forsgren M., Pedersen T. (2001)
  2. Mnyusiwalla A., Daar A. S., Singer P. (2003)
  3. Al-Barakah F. N., Radwan S. M., Abdel-Aziz R. A. (2013)

Author: Justyna Chłopek