Advertising plan

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Advertising plan is an marketing tool used to coordinate various actions and processes in area of distribution of product information in particular market or for particular segment of customers. Advertising plan describes various resource constraints (budget, people, time, place) and specific measurable goals (brand perception, target audience, number of impressions, effects on sales). It also contains basic message and technology used for communication (mass media, social media, print, electronic, web ads, etc.).

Advertising plan is part of Marketing strategy

Advertising plan helps to effectively accomplish our promotional goals agreed at the beginning or presented in the marketing strategy. It includes comprehensive findings relating to the operational objectives - schedule, budget and resources needed for their implementation (E. Applegate 2005, p. 1).

The ideal marketing plan allows us to assess in the long run how effectively our activities were and how to improve them even more. Specifies using which channels and marketing tools and techniques to communicate with the market.

A detailed description of the product or advertising campaign presents advertising goals, how they will be made and what resources are needed to achieve them. An enterprise that has a well-prepared advertising plan does not generate costs. Advertising plan indicates the tasks that we must do to make the advertising campaign successful. The advertising campaign is a reflection of the marketing strategy of the entrepreneur. Every decision made in its time must be adequate to the assumptions of the advertising plan.

How to make an Advertising Plan

To create a perfect plan, we should ask 3 questions:

  • What are our goals? - the goals that we set are, for example; increasing sales, entering a new market, changing the consumer attitude of the product, raising awareness about the brand;
  • How do we want to achieve the set goal? - time needed for preparation, related costs, needed resources;
  • How will we measure the effects of our activities? - the measurement method should be agreed to be consistent with the set goals. Example assessment before and after communication (P. Kotler 2009, p. 419).

The plan shows the advertising strategy in what methods should communicate with the market and customers. In the plan, you specify customers and the media with which you will reach them. Media can include billboards, email, social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

  • An advertising plan is created after establishing marketing goals.
  • The next step is to sketch the budget as we want to spend on advertising. That is why it is important to know sales plans for another 3 months, 6 months or 12 months
  • The target market should also be defined to whom the advertisement will be addressed. Women, men, children, adults, what they do, books and music they prefer. Thanks to this close will be able to exactly match the ad to recipient (C. Hackley 2003, p. 448).
  • In which places best to advertise, which recipients best match our target market. How to reach them, where they spend the most time. Determine when the best time for advertising will be. The analysis of sales plans from previous years can be read when the best moment for advertising was. In what period the sale was the largest or the smallest.

When you define your customers, figured out how to find them, when is the best time for your product and how much you have to spend, you are on your way to developing an effective advertising plan.

Examples of Advertising plan

  1. Social Media Advertising Plan:

A social media advertising plan is a strategy used to create, distribute, and manage content on social media platforms. The plan should define the goals of the campaign, the target audience, the budget, and the resources needed to execute the campaign. It should also include a timeline for the campaign, a list of platforms to use, and a content strategy.

  1. Mass Media Advertising Plan:

A mass media advertising plan is a strategy used to reach a larger audience through traditional media, such as television, radio, and print. The plan should define the goals of the campaign, the target audience, the budget, and the resources needed to execute the campaign. It should also include a timeline for the campaign, a list of media outlets to use, and a creative strategy.

  1. Print Advertising Plan:

A print advertising plan is a strategy used to reach a target audience through print media, such as newspapers and magazines. The plan should define the goals of the campaign, the target audience, the budget, and the resources needed to execute the campaign. It should also include a timeline for the campaign, a list of publications to use, and a creative strategy.

  1. Out of Home Advertising Plan:

An out of home advertising plan is a strategy used to reach a target audience through outdoor media, such as billboards, bus stops, and street furniture. The plan should define the goals of the campaign, the target audience, the budget, and the resources needed to execute the campaign. It should also include a timeline for the campaign, a list of locations to use, and a creative strategy.

Advantages of Advertising plan

Advertising plan is an important marketing tool that helps to coordinate various activities and processes related to product information distribution. It is an effective way to ensure that the budget, people, time and place are used in the most effective and efficient way. The following are some of the advantages of having an advertising plan:

  • It provides direction and structure to the marketing efforts, allowing the company to focus on the most important goals.
  • It helps to set measurable goals, such as targeting a particular audience, setting a number of impressions, and tracking the effects on sales.
  • It provides a comprehensive view of the marketing efforts, allowing the company to easily identify what is working and what needs improvement.
  • It helps to ensure the most effective and efficient use of resources, such as budget, people, and time.
  • It helps to develop a consistent message, which is essential for brand recognition and recall.
  • It allows the company to identify the most effective media and technology for communicating the message to the target audience.

Limitations of Advertising plan

  • Advertising plans are limited by available resources, including budget, personnel and time. The limited resources can make it difficult to achieve the desired goals and objectives of the advertising plan.
  • Advertising plans are limited by the target audience. Not all markets respond to the same type of advertising and a company must be able to identify their target audience and tailor the advertising plan appropriately.
  • Advertising plans are limited by the technology used for communication. Different types of communication require different levels of technical expertise and resources. A company must be able to identify the right type of technology to effectively reach their target audience.
  • Advertising plans are limited by the message used in the plan. A company must be able to convey their message in a concise and effective manner. Poorly designed messages can lead to confusion or misinterpretation of the message.
  • Advertising plans are limited by the effectiveness of the plan. Even if all the other elements are correct, if the plan is not effective it will not be successful. Companies must be able to measure the effectiveness of their plan and revise it when needed.

Other approaches related to Advertising plan

Advertising plans are also related to other approaches, including:

  • Event-driven advertising, which is used to promote specific events or activities, such as new product launches or special offers.
  • Long-term brand building, which is used to build and maintain a long-term relationship with customers by creating an emotional connection with the brand.
  • Relationship marketing, which is used to build relationships with customers by providing them with useful information, content, and services.
  • Search engine marketing, which involves optimizing websites and content to rank high in search engine results.
  • Social media marketing, which involves creating content to engage with customers on social media platforms.

In conclusion, advertising plans are related to a variety of approaches, from event-driven advertising and long-term brand building to search engine marketing and social media marketing. Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages, and businesses must carefully consider which approach is best suited to their goals and objectives.


Author: Beata Kocyłowska