Integrated management system

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The concept of integrated company management systems (so-called transaction systems) is widely used by IT system manufacturers that are used to support various processes in enterprises. Thanks to such systems it is possible to efficiently register and process current events in the company and access to information in real time.

We can distinguish three basic components of integrated management systems:

  1. Integration
  2. Data
  3. Processes

Such systems most often originate from financial and accounting systems, which were then extended with modules supporting sales, production, logistics processes, personnel management and others.

Areas of integration

Nowadays, the main modules of IT systems supporting business management are:

  • accounting and finance,
  • settlement,
  • warehouse and sale,
  • production,
  • personnel management,
  • logistics.

Often, manufacturers expand the functionality of the offered systems with modules:

  • advanced reports and statistics,
  • workflow,
  • document circulation,
  • customer relationship management ( CRM ),
  • design, business processes and others.

Examples of applications supporting company management

Commercial solutions

  • SAP R / 3
  • IFS
  • Baan
  • Oracle Applications

Open Source solutions:

The main features of integrated management systems

The distinctive aspects that distinguish integrated management systems are, among others:

  • the aforementioned multi-modularity,
  • uniform user interface,
  • access to the system from many places,
  • scalability,
  • openness,
  • no administration costs,
  • one-time data input - then only updates to it,
  • system security,
  • no purchase and upgrade costs.

Difficulties related to management systems

In addition to numerous improvements brought by transactional systems, you can not pass by the difficulties they generate. The main problem is often a large number of files and data stored in them . As a result, it means that hardly anyone in the company really knows their content. In addition, often not very clear structure of databases is understandable only for its creators. Another weak point of the management systems is the form and manner of data processing. It is convenient for keeping records, but not for analyzes.

Advantages of Integrated management system

Integrated management systems offer many advantages for businesses of all sizes. These include:

  • Improved efficiency and accuracy - Integrated management systems offer businesses the ability to quickly and accurately process transactions, eliminating the need to manually enter data. This can save businesses time and money in the long run.
  • Streamlined operations - Integrated management systems enable businesses to streamline their operations by simplifying and automating processes. This can help businesses save time and money while ensuring accuracy and consistency in their operations.
  • Increased visibility - Integrated management systems offer businesses the ability to gain real-time insight into their operations. This can help businesses identify potential problems and make informed decisions.
  • Improved customer service - Integrated management systems allow businesses to provide better customer service by providing customers with real-time information about their orders, accounts, and other transactions.
  • Enhanced security - Integrated management systems provide businesses with enhanced security by providing better control over data and limiting access to sensitive information. This can help businesses protect their data and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Limitations of Integrated management system

  • Integrated company management systems have a few limitations that should be taken into consideration when implementing such a system. These limitations include:
  • Lack of flexibility - Integrated company management systems are designed to accommodate the most common business processes and may not be able to accommodate the specific needs of a particular organization.
  • High cost - Implementing an integrated company management system can be expensive due to the cost of licenses, hardware, and software.
  • Difficulty of implementation - Integrating a complex system into an existing system can be a difficult process, requiring a lot of time and resources.
  • Lack of customization - Integrated company management systems often lack the ability to be customized to fit the specific needs of an organization.
  • Security concerns - An integrated company management system may be vulnerable to security threats if proper security measures are not taken.

Other approaches related to Integrated management system

Integrated company management systems offer a comprehensive approach to company management by allowing the integration of various processes into a single system. Other approaches related to such systems include:

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems which are used to manage the flow of data between different business processes such as accounting, human resources, and supply chain management.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems which are used to manage customer relationships by collecting and analyzing customer data.
  • Business Intelligence (BI) systems which are used to analyze data to support decision-making within an organization.
  • Business Process Management (BPM) systems which are used to manage and automate business processes.
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems which are used to manage the flow of materials and products within an organization and its supply chain.

All of these approaches provide valuable insights into the functioning of an organization and can help streamline processes, improve efficiency and reduce costs. In summary, integrated company management systems allow businesses to manage a wide range of processes and operations with a single system.
