Stages of project

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Project management consists of the following stages.

  • Defining the project.
  • Project planning.
  • Implementation of the project.
  • Project control and monitoring.
  • Closing the project.

Defining the project

The first stage of the project is definition, it has a conceptual character. It is very important in later cycles. At this stage, it is necessary to define the scope of work necessary to perform, and to divide them among team members. We can distinguish here three sub-stages, such as:

The project initiation consists in the cooperation of the project manager with the clients. It is important to agree on the most important aspects at this stage and to define the scope of the project. Here can be helpful answering the following questions.

  • What is the project about?
  • What is the purpose of the project?
  • What are the milestones in the project necessary to achieve the goal?
  • How will we evaluate the success of the project?
  • What is the risk associated with this project?

Defining a project is aimed at defining the project's subject, explaining its nature, purpose and scope of the project. It should contain the following steps:

  • Interpretation of the project subject.
  • Defining the subject scope of the project.
  • Definition of the functional scope of the project.
  • Analysis and assessment of project risk.
  • Evaluation of expenditures and benefits related to the implementation of the project.
  • Making a decision on the implementation of the project.
  • Setting goals of the project implementation.

Building a project team consists of the following stages:

  • Selection of the institutional form of the project implementation.
  • Appointment of project management.
  • Establishment of other project management bodies.
  • Organizing the work of the project team.
  • Acquiring employees of the project team.
  • Developing the work plan of the project team.
  • Approval of the organization and work plan of the project team.
  • Approval of the organization and work plan of the project team by management.

Project planning

The next stage is Planning, it has an organizational and planning character. At this stage, a preliminary project plan is created, its structure and course defined. As you can see, this stage is very important and will have a significant impact on the subsequent phases. Here, we can also distinguish the sub-stages such as:

  1. specifying the project's goals
  2. gathering additional information about the project
  3. determination of project division criteria
  4. determining the hierarchical structure of the project
  5. defining the project's coordination structure
  6. approval of the project structure by management
  • Planning the course of the project.
  1. determining the time of project implementation
  2. planning deadlines for the implementation of project activities
  3. calculation of time reserves
  4. definition of critical elements of the project
  5. verification of the course of the project
  6. approval of the project management plan by management

At this stage, a project plan is created, which is a formally approved document used during the management and control and implementation of the project. Project plan should contain:

  • Needs, goals and requirements.
  • Definition of tasks, their structure and scope.
  • Characteristics of the technical approach.
  • Timetable.
  • Determination of the organizational structure of the project.
  • Selection of employees and determination of responsibility for tasks.
  • Budget construction and risk analysis.

The Gantt chart can be helpful at this stage, where we can plan the scope of work in great detail. The project manager should foresee several possible solutions from which the most appropriate ones can be selected.

Implementation of the project

Once we have all the activities planned, there is nothing else to do but start realizing it. At this stage, the goals included in the plan should be achieved step by step. At this stage, work should be divided among team members. The project manager should pay attention to the following matters:

  • Identification of resources necessary to carry out the plan.
  • Assigning tasks to team members.
  • Development of the schedule.
  • Introducing the plan into effect.

Control and monitoring

Project control basically takes place throughout the life cycle of the project, it is necessary to avoid errors at the project implementation stage. The main areas of control are:

  • Economic and financial condition of the company.
  • Organization of the project management process.
  • HR management.
  • Production technique.
  • Market and marketing.
  • Financial policy.
  • Control of the dates of preparation and execution of the project.
  • Control of resource consumption during the preparation and execution of projects.
  • Control of the costs of preparation and implementation of projects.
  • Control of deliveries and subcontracting.
  • Project risk control.
  • Quality control of the project.
  • Control of the work of the project team.

The controlling entities are broad management and specialized organizational units and research commissions. The inspection phase is as follows:

  • Determining the results.
  • Measuring results.
  • Comparison of results with standards.
  • Evaluation of results and response.
  • Change of norms, correction of deviations or maintenance of the status quo.

Closing the project

Closing the project takes place in the following stages:

  • Receipt of the project by the client.
  • Project settlement.
  • Preparation of a report on the implementation of the project.
  • Making the decision to finish the project.
  • Solution of the project team.

Project reception should take place when the quality objectives of the project have been achieved. It can be conditional when the project's result needs improvement. After this stage, the client is settled. The final report is designed to serve the user of the project and gather knowledge gained during its implementation.

Advantages of Stages of project

Project management consists of a series of stages that are designed to ensure the successful completion of a project. These stages provide key advantages that help to ensure the successful execution of a project, including:

  • Clarifying the scope of the project: The different stages of a project help to clearly define the scope of the project, what needs to be accomplished, and how it will be accomplished. This allows all stakeholders to have a clear understanding of the project and how it should be executed.
  • Establishing resources and timelines: By breaking a project down into stages, it allows for a proper estimation of resources and timelines. This helps to ensure that the project is completed within a specified timeline and with the necessary resources.
  • Identifying and mitigating risks: Identifying risks and mitigating them is an important part of project management. The different stages of a project allow for the identification and mitigation of risks before they become significant problems.
  • Monitoring progress: The stages of a project provide checkpoints for monitoring progress and ensuring that the project is on track. This allows for any issues to be identified early and addressed before they become major problems.
  • Improving communication: The stages of a project provide a framework for communication between all stakeholders, which helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page. This helps to improve collaboration and ensure that the project is completed successfully.

Limitations of Stages of project

Introduction: Project management involves a series of steps that must be followed in order to ensure successful completion of a project.

  • Planning: The limitations of the planning stage include lack of resources, inadequate budget, and lack of knowledge or skills.
  • Executing: The limitations of the execution stage are based on the accuracy of the planning stage, as well as external factors such as the availability of labor or material resources.
  • Monitoring and Controlling: The limitations of the monitoring and controlling stage include the need for accurate data, frequent reports, and timely communication with stakeholders.
  • Closing: The limitations of the closing stage include ensuring all contractual obligations are met, ensuring all project deliverables are accepted by the customer, and ensuring the project is documented and archived properly.

Other approaches related to Stages of project

Introduction: Here is a list of other approaches related to the stages of project management:

  • Initiation: This stage involves identifying project goals, developing a project plan, and obtaining approval from all stakeholders.
  • Planning: This stage involves setting objectives and defining the scope of the project. It also includes creating a detailed project schedule and budget, and assigning resources.
  • Execution: This stage involves executing the project plan and monitoring its progress. It includes tasks such as managing risks and quality control.
  • Monitoring and Control: This stage involves monitoring the project’s progress and making changes as needed. It also includes reporting and communication with stakeholders.
  • Closure: This stage involves completing all tasks, evaluating the project’s success, and closing out any remaining issues.

In summary, there are several approaches related to the stages of project management, including initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closure. Each stage involves different tasks and activities and must be completed in order for the project to be successful.
