Business etiquette

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Business etiquette - code of behaviour which is considered socially acceptable. Following the business etiquette (business savoir vivre) is very important for successful growth of a company.

Too many meetings, lack of preparation, no follow-up and the absence of employees desire and input are among the typical problems. Poorly managed meetings are considered as the black holes of the work day and can affect company's productivity Moreover, badly managed meetings can also have a negative effect on teamwork and employee as an individual. The leader must be responsible and provide the workers with essential negotiation details constantly making improvements to represent high level of company's competence and development A great amount of businesses are growing internationally due to integration and globalization of the modern world. The difference in culture also has to be taken into consideration, acknowledged and valued[1]

The role of etiquette in business

Practicing business etiquette has a lot of benefits such as:

  • Establishing strong relationships - proper behavior helps to set up healthy relationships between management, staff and clients,
  • Providing harmonious atmosphere - when employees and workers treat each other with respect and sensitivity dictated by good business manners, it creates a positive working environment,
  • Reflecting confidence - an individual practicing business etiquette is seen as someone who is together and knows what to say and how to say it. Furthermore, it helps to demonstrate self-control and awareness in various matters, which plays a crucial role in business communication,
  • Preventing misunderstandings - considering business etiquette as a basic key in your company will help prevent misunderstandings, because proper etiquette requires everyone to interact professionally with one another and to communicate clearly and honestly[2]

What includes business etiquette?

Business etiquette is concerned with such things as:

  • proper business style (official),
  • welcome topics and those which should be excluded in conversation,
  • greeting,
  • addressing others with respect (for example by their first name, surname or title),
  • gift giving and receiving (selecting and presenting an appropriate business gift),
  • accepted/unaccepted forms of entertaining for business success,
  • rules of public behaviour,
  • cultural divergences[3]

See also:

Examples of Business etiquette

  1. Arriving on Time: It is important to arrive to meetings and appointments on time. Arriving late to a meeting can be seen as disrespectful and unprofessional.
  2. Greeting: In professional settings, it is important to greet people in a polite and friendly manner. A handshake is the most common form of greeting in professional settings, but in some cultures, a bow or a nod of the head is common.
  3. Dress Appropriately: The way you dress can reflect your professionalism. When attending professional meetings or events, it is important to dress appropriately.
  4. Communication: Communicating with respect and politeness is important in business etiquette. This includes not only speaking with respect, but also refraining from using profanity and avoiding aggressive or condescending language.
  5. Respect: It is important to respect the opinions, ideas, and beliefs of others. Disagreeing with someone does not mean that you must be disrespectful.
  6. Email Etiquette: Email is a great way to communicate with colleagues and clients, but it is important to maintain good email etiquette. This includes using a professional tone, avoiding slang, and proofreading your emails before sending.

Advantages of Business etiquette

Business etiquette is a code of behaviour which is considered socially acceptable and is important for a successful growth of a company. The main advantages of following business etiquette are:

  • It creates a strong and professional image of the company. It is important to maintain a good image in order to create a good first impression with clients and business partners.
  • It allows people to show respect to each other in a professional environment. This helps to build trust and understanding between the parties involved and creates a positive atmosphere.
  • It helps to establish clear expectations in terms of communication and behaviour. This leads to better efficiency in the workplace and helps to avoid conflicts.
  • It helps to keep the communication professional. This is important for creating a strong relationship with clients, colleagues and management.
  • It helps to promote a positive working culture. This increases motivation, job satisfaction and productivity.

Limitations of Business etiquette

Business etiquette is a code of behaviour which is considered socially acceptable, and is essential for successful growth of a company. However, there are certain limitations to business etiquette:

  • Cultural differences - Depending on the country or region, some customs and practices may be acceptable in one business culture, but not in another.
  • Gender roles - Historically, different expectations of behaviour have been placed on men and women in the workplace, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Generational differences - People who have grown up in different generations may have different expectations of appropriate workplace behaviour.
  • Power dynamics - Power dynamics can lead to different standards of behaviour between people of higher and lower status.
  • Unconscious bias - Unconscious bias can lead to workplace behaviour that is not socially acceptable.
  • Lack of knowledge - Not knowing the accepted norms of business etiquette can lead to faux pas.

Other approaches related to Business etiquette

Business etiquette is a code of behaviour which is considered socially acceptable and important for successful growth of a company. Other approaches related to business etiquette include:

  • Professionalism: This means treating everyone with respect and making sure to maintain a professional demeanor in all interactions. It also involves being courteous and using appropriate language and behaviour when dealing with colleagues, customers or clients.
  • Communication: This includes effective communication skills such as active listening, empathy, and clear and concise messaging. It also involves understanding cultural differences, body language and nonverbal cues.
  • Time Management: This involves being punctual, managing tasks and deadlines efficiently, and delegating tasks when necessary.
  • Dress Code: This involves wearing the appropriate attire for a given professional setting, such as wearing a suit or dress for a business meeting.

In summary, business etiquette is a code of behaviour which is essential for successful career growth. Other approaches related to it include professionalism, communication, time management and dress code. Following these approaches is important for creating a positive, professional image.

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Author: Daria Bartova, Khrystyna Hladun, Akash Agarwal, Aanchal Gogna