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Personnel controlling
See also

This controlling subsystem is defined as the organization's management system for coordinating, planning and reporting. We can distinguish two types of controlling: strategic and operational. The first is associated with strategic management and deals with main objectives and their implementation, and the second deals with action plans that are created based on the objectives.

Tasks of personnel controlling

Personnel controlling is used to achieve best possible use of employees and their development to get the maximum benefit for the company. Information collection and processing of personal information is its main role, as well as monitoring of the coordination and control system. The basic features of personnel controlling are:

  • Treatment of staff as a vital business asset,
  • Treatment of workers as a source of competitiveness for the organization,
  • Shift from the perception of staff regarded only as a source of costs,
  • Merging of HR strategy with overall business strategy,
  • Active inclusion of line managers in the personnel management.

Particular areas of interest of personnel controlling are:

  • The relationship between HR strategy and other strategies of organization
  • Analysis of human potential of organizations
  • Analysis of competences and qualifications of employees
  • The impact of company's development plans on change of the requirements for professional qualifications,
  • Capacity of human resources and usefulness of used motivation techniques.
  • Decisions concerning personnel policies
  • Matching staff to the needs of the company,
  • Response of workers to changes in the system,
  • Organizational culture

Application of personnel controlling

So widely accepted range of interest means that the elements of personnel controlling will be present not only in the human resource planning and staff assessment, but also in selection, professional development, health and safety. It can also affect labour relations and measures of performance and productivity.

Depending on the management objectives for the personnel controlling subsystem, it's function could be delegated to specific employee ("controller"). He could have advisory functions that allows to collect, analyse, report and prepare of a decision.He could also have management powers, which gives him a much better decision-making capabilities, and allows closer cooperation with other organizational units. The third form is the creation of the controlling committee in company's headquarters.

See also:


  • Merchant, K. A. (1985). Control in business organization. Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
  • Nic, M., & Drabek, J. (2010). Personnel controlling application in field of employees' remuneration. Intercathedra, (26).
  • Bohlander, G., & Snell, S. (2006). Managing human resources. Cengage Learning.